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Reminder on Window Tint

DTM Brian

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  pdqgp said:
How much for just the front driver side and passenger windows on our MiniVan?


Normal Retail will be $80.00


DTM Rate $70.00


  eveilnotch said:
how much for 2 windows plus wing windows


Normal Retail $120.00


DTM Rate




  mseebs said:
any quote on just removing driver side window tint and retinting it? old one has rip in it. :(



Strip $25.00

Tint $40.00


DTM Rate: $55.00 for Both

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Mobile Chassis Dyno said:
We can get you in when you are ready. He uses Lamar.


Thank you sir, i'll give you a call to set something up here shortly. And I think it's spelled LLumar :) unless it's some knockoff brand!



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I'm glad to hear about this! I will be getting my Audi done in a few weeks. I want the rear done in either 15% or 5% and the sides like 20-30%. Can you find out what %'s he has to pick from so I'm ready when I pick a time/day. Thanks!
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  Jelloman457 said:
Brian two techs at my shop need theirs done. A Nissan Armada, Audi A4, then I need my f150 and neon done. Whats your guys schedule look like?


Just give me a call and I will make somethign happen.


Also I can ask around the shop and see if any other people need anything done.


  IV RINGS said:
Any word on the % of the tint the guys hads?


35% and 15%

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  Mobile Chassis Dyno said:
Just a friendly reminder that I am still doing window tint. The tinter has 15 years experience in the field. He takes pride in his work. He will be at the shop at 4 pm today doing the windows on Lauren's camaro. I am extending the discounted price to CR members for the rest of year.


$125.00 for 2 Door Vehicles

$150.00 for 4 Door Vehicles.


Give me a call at 778-8984 if you have any other questions.


is my car considered a 2 door or 4 door? :wink:



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  01fxst said:
I finally got the window in the Impala fixed. Let me know the next time he'll be around and I'll bring it over.


Give me a call. I know he will over at the shop tomorrow with an appointment at noon and 4:30 tomorrow.


  tbutera2112 said:
brian...i have factory tint (i think its factory...its kinda blueish)...how much to remove my tint and lay new tint?


4 door saab


He will need to see the car for a quote on tint removal.


  10_penn said:
is my car considered a 2 door or 4 door? :wink:




I think we can count that as a 2 door.


  Mattsv8 said:
brian as soon as i get these heads ported and valve job. then back in the blazer ill make a apt for the tint. needs it bad.


Sounds good.

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