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Beware the whole state is a fucking speed trap. Its a damn gauntlet of staties, sheriffs, unmarked cars, etc. Although I escaped ticket free, whilst cruising at an average of 85 mph, alot of other OSU fans were pulled over and felt the long, vengeful dick of the law at the hand of some distraught Indiana police.


When traveling 70W, 465S, and 37S, pucker up your asshole and use the cruise button.

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It's not that bad. Speed limit is now a posted 70mph for most of the state, you can drive 80 past an officer and not get pulled over.


85 is pushing it ; )


Oh, and go OSU!!


Ever driven in Downtown Indy on the freeway? 50MPH is the limit. I thought our 55 was bad.....

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Anything over 9 mph will get you pulled over on the interstates. In Indy your safe at 62-63mph but traffic will run you over. I always thought Michigan and Ohio were the worst when it came to highway patrol, in Indiana you have to worry about the small town cops on the rural roads.
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What sucks about Indiana is that they allowed unmarked cars (Ohio doesn't). For example... when we were coming back down from Wisconsin last year (we were in the Yaris), I spotted a dark blue Mustang GT just getting back on to the freeway from the shoulder that had just turned the red/blue LED lights off that were inside the car. When I passed him, you couldn't even tell because the tint was so dark.


If I had been in the 500, I might have pulled up beside him and tried to get him to race! So yes... careful in Indiana and on the outerbelt in Indianapolis.

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I cruised at 80mph all the way through IN, ILL and MO to pick up the bike last weekend...only saw one cop and that was on the outskirts of St. Louis....yeah IN has A LOT of po's out in force and most are unmarked....dont be stupid bout the speed and you wont get busted...IMO 70mph speed limit is good....CO has 75mph limits...its awesome.
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