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So 2 lines means the ego is prego...


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We are so throwing you a shower.


Haha ok text me or hit me up on AIM with details.


I had just got done telling a friend that I didn't want any kids, then I find out I am having one lol. Oh well, what can I do about it now? I didn't know what to think at first, but now I am pretty excited.

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Went and had first ultra-sounds done, if you have never expierenced this its pretty fucking awesome. Got to see the peanut lol, right now its 1.36cm long. That puts the gf at 7 1/2 weeks prego and makes the due date May 31st. Hearing its heartbeat was pretty kick ass, gf even teared up a little. I'll post pics later once I get them scanned


BTW everyone seems to think its a girl, even the damn chick doing the ultra sound said she just got a feeling it is a girl.

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