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Looking for some musicians


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Can you give some examples of what bands/songs the "singer" would need to be able to belt out?


Well that will depend on the other people in the band. What I have in mind would be buckcherry, blink 182, G&R pretty much rock punk type stuff. Not really trying to be anybody type thing.

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Im down if you want


Can you be reliable and dedicated? I don't know you well enough to tell but I have dealt with some pretty crazy ass drummers and not in a good way.




When and where do you guys want to jam? I would like to get a list of songs together to jam with that way we are not all staring at each other going "do you know this?"

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buckcherry and blink 182? i thought you said punk?


You can turn anything into a punk song not that hard. He was asking what kind of voice style.


I know what punk is if I said Misfits or Black Flag most people would think that is emo and have no idea.


I really have no desire to copy any band covers should be done how you want them done and put your own twist on them. That is why I love punk covers of songs I guess taht is the way I would describe what is in my mind.

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You can turn anything into a punk song not that hard. He was asking what kind of voice style.


I know what punk is if I said Misfits or Black Flag most people would think that is emo and have no idea.


I really have no desire to copy any band covers should be done how you want them done and put your own twist on them. That is why I love punk covers of songs I guess taht is the way I would describe what is in my mind.


If anybody ever classified that as emo then, they should be shot in the mouth.

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I'm still trying to nail it down, trying to figure out how to end it. I'm available whenever. Weekends are probably best.


Can't decide between a Zvex Fuzz Factory or an Earthquaker Hoof Fuzz. Pickups are in the air, but it will incorporate a kill switch.

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