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A mans Challange!


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here u go its a little old Rob said i was fat so im still trying to loose some more.

ive got more too loose for shure. Oh and im not gay my wife and kids would be upset

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here u go its a little old Rob said i was fat so im still trying to loose some more.

ive got more too loose for shure. Oh and im not gay my wife and kids would be upset



LOOSE = What you pants are after you have lost weight

LOSE = What will happen to my mind if I read what half the people post here.




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If you pierce your nipples, I will defiantly go on a date with you. :p


On a none ebattle note, here are some pics of my CB build. It's still not done yet, but it's close. I've done everything but paint and powder coat.



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If you pierce your nipples, I will defiantly go on a date with you. :p


On a none ebattle note, here are some pics of my CB build. It's still not done yet, but it's close. I've done everything but paint and powder coat.




Now that is bad ass. It looks like the bike from the first Mad Max movie but without the crazy 70's bubble wind shield.

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wow matt...little butt hurt now ..




pull the fucking dildo out of your ass and put it back in your mouth.



someone wants to get all internet but hurt cause i call it like i see it. the boy can ride. i seen it enough for my self.


how's this..i'll build my car..and you run me on the street?

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and one more thing...


its nice to see you have all this time to put your shit to together. but i have the responsibility, of getting every one elses shit together. and keeping there car on the road. and not my fault if someone cant tell the difference between on and up .

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LOOSE = What you pants are after you have lost weight

LOSE = What will happen to my mind if I read what half the people post here.





Please use this picture in the future. No image tags for people who might be offended.



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rob shut up! that is all.

whaa i dont have time to buid my shit im too busy wahh wahh

i have 3 cars im building now 2 kid s and work and gym. too busy.

ur just too stupid. and keep your gay homo fantasy for yourself and leave me out of it.

told you once im deff not gay. and that dont fly in my community.

he has somany posts because he is so busy. joined a year after me. i have 1200 he has 12,000 he is a bull shitter and cant build his shit because he cant stay out of anyones business. he knows everyting about everythig .Rob is God on earth. the is the smartest dopesest illist ma fucka on the plannett. all praise rob. Na how about lets all haze rob.

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