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A mans Challange!


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rob shut up! that is all.

whaa i dont have time to buid my shit im too busy wahh wahh

i have 3 cars im building now 2 kid s and work and gym. too busy.

ur just too stupid. and keep your gay homo fantasy for yourself and leave me out of it.

told you once im deff not gay. and that dont fly in my community.

he has somany posts because he is so busy. joined a year after me. i have 1200 he has 12,000 he is a bull shitter and cant build his shit because he cant stay out of anyones business. he knows everyting about everythig .Rob is God on earth. the is the smartest dopesest illist ma fucka on the plannett. all praise rob. Na how about lets all haze rob.

you are so retarded its not even funny anymore.

and street racing is illegal. duma ss


no shit..why you think i stopped doing it. hence one reason i dont even care to put my car together..whats it going to prove anyway?


and i cant stay out of anyones business, what the fuck are you doing ...oh, putting your nose where it don't fucking belong. like you always do.

dont matter how many posts i have. im here helping people. why you here? oh to run your cock gobbler.

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how's this..i'll build my car..and you run me on the street?

last page by gearhead.

you amaze me.


cause i know you wont play on the street.. and just like i told you in pm, its not worth it...



and sticking your nose in my business , just like the other thread you starting tryying to get me banned.. all coming from a thread that had nothing to do with you. thats sticking your nose into someone else business.

just like this

im not worried about what you do. you tell someone that your going to ram thim with a truck and he said he would beet your ass. i think thretening somones life should not go unpunished. im showing this to the police. thretening vehicular manslauter is a real serious thing.

and you said it multiple times in a row.

if i were you id watch your attitude



and go ahead and send the shit from here to CPD like you say you are going to do...you'll be the next bann hammer victim.



but you say you dont care what i do, but you seem pretty pissy here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72667 about something that has nothing to do with you.


i didnt tell any body i was going to ram them head on..i said if you wanna race, then head on with the super duty...oh noes i said it again. hurry up you better call the popo and turn me in..

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just for the record when i first sighed up on columbusracing i posted that i was wanting to hit ''crash'' head on with my car and him on his bike i got banned for 3 months till anthony unbanned me



im going to become a sponsor lol

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so what was that about not being on here when that thread went up? and the quote shawn posted in your cars thread, came from your intro thread. and maybe you should go back and read what i said in this thread, Head ON...any day you wanna take your car or bike head on with my super duty, you fucking got it.


you better make sure you want to take on a 6000lbs truck head on.


dont change your words arround.

you said that to him long before he said he would beat u up.

but im done with this part of the conversation! moving on

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just for the record when i first sighed up on columbusracing i posted that i was wanting to hit ''crash'' head on with my car and him on his bike i got banned for 3 months till anthony unbanned me



im going to become a sponsor lol


no you threatened to beat someone's ass..i remember...:p

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yea im a sponsor now. its my do what i want and get away with it badge!

rob i dont give a fuck what you do. your beneth me like some shit on my shoe

ill just scrape this one off and be done with it.


so what was that about not being on here when that thread went up? and the quote shawn posted in your cars thread, came from your intro thread. and maybe you should go back and read what i said in this thread, Head ON...any day you wanna take your car or bike head on with my super duty, you fucking got it.


you better make sure you want to take on a 6000lbs truck head on.


dont change your words arround.

you said that to him long before he said he would beat u up.

but im done with this part of the conversation! moving on


so...i said he wants to run, lets go head on...did i say any thing about smashing into him and trying to kill him...no, those are words your putting in my mouth. just another lame attempt by your worthless ass, just like you trying to get me to threaten you in pm.. ive been done with you...your so below me, your under ground.


and hows this for getting someone banned?


read the rules

This is the second attempt at having a constructive thread. Off-topic posts, bickering, finger-pointing, etc will get you a ban. No bullshit.



  • No vendor bashing whatsoever. Constructive discussion always, consumer feedback always.
  • IF thread title = X Sponsor, THEN Sponsor Competitor = NO POSTING; insert any business names here. Sponsors are expected to stay out of each other's threads. Period.
  • Our moderators should be moderating and not participating or fanning flames. Everyone is guilty of this. Moderators not doing their jobs or breaking the rules they've agreed to enforce = replacement. We often read threads and think the mods are worse than the instigators.
  • Admins will ban stupid people. They don't belong. While they can be entertaining, they bring many members down to their level and contribute to an overall negative sentiment toward CR. Cut out the cancer.
  • Do not use CR as your venue to pull info from people to publicly humiliate them. No more attacks on people's background, family, ethnicity, etc. This will not be tolerated.
  • If you, the member, has an issue with another member or a Mod you need to speak up and bring this to the attention of an Admin via PMs.

Suggestions are recommended and welcomed. Be realistic.


I don't like having CR offline. But, some of you needed time to think as did the Admins.


Thank you.


and what was it you said to me?

i guess the apple dont fall to far from the tree.


right here




so wheres your bann? cause you broke this rule.

[*]Do not use CR as your venue to pull info from people to publicly humiliate them. No more attacks on people's background, family, ethnicity, etc. This will not be tolerated.


now im not trying to put words in your mouth...

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and this thread is fucking retarded the people who your backing up for this race dont even wanna race cars they wanna race bikes


matt your a fucking pussy and i hope that the moderators see your trying to bring police activity to c.r which is the last thing it needs therefore your hurting the community.


And when you call the cops you might aswell notify them that your buddy have been violating ohio 2903.21 Aggravated menacing. a first degree misdemenor. I read the thread and it is clear a law was broken. Gearhead offered to compete in a demolition derby as an alternative to a race so piss off.

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elaborate on how im a bigger pussy i come right out and tell your why your being a bitch why providing facts about why being a bitch is not gonna help your situation. one the other hand you fail at your objective to get rob ban and resorted to coawardly levels and then realize just how gay you sound and then deny that your gonna proform the actions that you segguested. Ive seen you on her for along time and thought for a while you where a cool dude but you gots to stop humping some dudes leg who went too far.


Anyone who threatens police activity especially over verbal actions is a pussy. If your not gonna your not being a pussy nessecarily but it was still a bitch move to even segguest the idea.

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I challenge everyone to build there own car nomatter how fast it is and race it!

you cant drive anything if its not yours!



I dont know how to build a car so I got a Pontiac... come to find out they dont know how to build a car either.

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how does a honda say pussy. just because because im not made of money and need reliable daily transportation because im on a limited budget due to living on my own without financial assitance. if we wanna talk about vehicles being pussy your truck is the most pussyiest of all trucks out there its hardley even a fucking truck they come with fucking 4 cylinders from the factory sounds fucking manly. Im sure if my mommy and dady paid for fucking everything i would have a badass ride unfortunatey they dont so piss off. your fucking 31 years old and your 'badass ride" is some old ass truck probably valued at less than my honda. and reffering to vehicles your truck will beat me in a straight line, no shit but thats all it will do. Ill toast you around every single corner on every single road of america.
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i bought and built all 6 of my cars. im also 31 a parent of two and married. dont wory they are called jobs and one day your honda will drive you to one. then you can build a pos worth driving like my s10. and im shure the s10 was apraised for more than your honda.

Oh and it came with a v6 dumbass.

thanks for living up to my sticker on my back window

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