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I give you sloshball


The Sloshball Official Rules

1. Any adult player reaching 2nd base is encouraged to finish the fine beverage waiting for

them there before they are allowed to proceed to third base. Failure to complete this step

results in an automatic out.


2. Each team at bat elects one of their own players to pitch to them, thus avoiding

annoying delays when opposing teams attempt to pitch like crap while the fine beverage at

2nd base gets warm.


3. Each player gets three pitches, regardless of their quality. Each pitch un-hit fairly is

considered a strike. Three strikes and you're out. Note: you can modify the rule to four

pitches for women and kids if necessary.


4. Any time a player hits a home run, play is halted and his/her entire team is invited to

join him/her for a toast at 2nd base. This is known as a "team social".


5. Any time a player directly hits the 2nd base "umpire", this is also considered a home

run and qualifies for a "team social".


6. Outfielders can not stand behind the outfield fence during play. Any balls caught while

standing behind the fence are automatic home runs.


7. All ties go to the runner. And all disputes are settled by The Commissioner, regardless

of the teams involved in the dispute. If the call is extremely close, the Commissioner

reserves the right to call for a "Dispute Chug Off", where the dispute is settled at 2nd base

by the two players involved.

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I give you sloshball


3. Each player gets three pitches, regardless of their quality. Each pitch un-hit fairly is

considered a strike. Three strikes and you're out. Note: you can modify the rule to four

pitches for women and kids if necessary.




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