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Where the Wild things Are

Science Abuse

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If you're looking for the heartwarming story about a kid and his imagination, pick up the book and read it.


If you want to see a menatally ill brat run around with his clinically depressed freinds, go see the movie.


Seriously, it made me want to cut myself and brush my hair over my eyes. This flick is, quite simply, not fun to watch at.all.

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I was cleaning theaters on Saturday night, almost everyone who went in to see Where the Wild Things Are were families with young kids. Many people left asking for refunds. Almost all the young kids who left were holding onto their parents for dear life bawling their eyes out. I walked in on part of it to see what the big deal was, because this was one of my favorites as a kid, the part I saw seemed almost brutal.
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:( the previews don't look that bad. I heard it had a much "darker" tone then the book. I'll still probably see it.

Dude no shit! The preveiws made it look like the book, fun and all kid-tastic.

Then you go in, and the kid is biting his mom and yelling at her, mosters are hating eachother, a dude gets his arm ripped off in a tantrum.


The lol'funny in the preview where the goat guy gets something thrown at him, and he goes spinning off. Hah ha ha good shtick right? No, the guy was fleeing, he didn't want shit thrown at him, and he apparently got injured.


It was a movie full of all of your worst childhood experiences while playing with freinds.

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I mean what do you expect, a 2 hour movie based on a 14 line book.


Spike Jonze could have used his creative license to make better movie. Instead, he thought it would be better to write a steaming pile of shit about some emo monsters, themed to some shitty indie music.

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Spike Jonze could have used his creative license to make better movie. Instead, he thought it would be better to write a steaming pile of shit about some emo monsters, themed to some shitty indie music.




Shaky cam shit has got to stop, too.

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