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Smoking ban on flavored tobacco


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What I was told by a guy at one of those tobacco shops was that they weren't allowed to order any more of the flavored cigs after the first of this month. He said they were still allowed to sell whatever they had left in the store but once those were gone then we're shit out of luck.


I like cloves, but honestly how can anyone smoke those on a regular basis? Shit makes me feel sick after a while compared to regular cigs, plus they went over the 8 dollar/pack mark with the last tax increase.

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Really, you just found out about this?


Not sure how I feel about this. I don't smoke and I'm anti smoking in general, but people should be able to do what they want, as long as it doesn't hurt others. I do like to go to the Hooka bar or smoke a cigar once in a blue moon, but I wouldn't be upset if I couldn't do it. The ban, whether intentional or unintentional, only effected small manufactures too (relatively speaking to someone like Phillip Morris or whatever they call themselves now). Lots of people are saying the big tobacco companies pushed this into effect.


Also, while I don't think bans on unhealthy products are the way to do it, people living unhealthy, even if it's their choice, is a cost and a strain on all of us. There should be initiatives for healthier living, if anything.


It still doesn't make any sense that tobacco and alcohol are legal and weed is illegal.

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Really, you just found out about this?


Not sure how I feel about this. I don't smoke and I'm anti smoking in general, but people should be able to do what they want, as long as it doesn't hurt others. I do like to go to the Hooka bar or smoke a cigar once in a blue moon, but I wouldn't be upset if I couldn't do it. The ban, whether intentional or unintentional, only effected small manufactures too (relatively speaking to someone like Phillip Morris or whatever they call themselves now). Lots of people are saying the big tobacco companies pushed this into effect.


Also, while I don't think bans on unhealthy products are the way to do it, people living unhealthy, even if it's their choice, is a cost and a strain on all of us. There should be initiatives for healthier living, if anything.


It still doesn't make any sense that tobacco and alcohol are legal and weed is illegal.


I agree with you.

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It still doesn't make any sense that tobacco and alcohol are legal and weed is illegal.

Federal prosecutors have been instructed to curb efforts against state-sanctioned dispensaries and medical users.


The only way to keep the pot traffickers out of our national parks with heavy weaponry (major problem in the western states, not so many armed guys in the midwest or east coast) is to make it not profitable for them to do so.

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Federal prosecutors have been instructed to curb efforts against state-sanctioned dispensaries and medical users.


The only way to keep the pot traffickers out of our national parks with heavy weaponry (major problem in the western states, not so many armed guys in the midwest or east coast) is to make it not profitable for them to do so.


Just saw that on CNN earlier today, I guess Obama realized he pissed a lot of people off after breaking his promise to end the raids after he came into office.

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Really, you just found out about this?


Not sure how I feel about this. I don't smoke and I'm anti smoking in general, but people should be able to do what they want, as long as it doesn't hurt others. I do like to go to the Hooka bar or smoke a cigar once in a blue moon, but I wouldn't be upset if I couldn't do it. The ban, whether intentional or unintentional, only effected small manufactures too (relatively speaking to someone like Phillip Morris or whatever they call themselves now). Lots of people are saying the big tobacco companies pushed this into effect.


Also, while I don't think bans on unhealthy products are the way to do it, people living unhealthy, even if it's their choice, is a cost and a strain on all of us. There should be initiatives for healthier living, if anything.


It still doesn't make any sense that tobacco and alcohol are legal and weed is illegal.


Camel had been coming out with more and more flavored cigs over the years, so I'm sure this is having a fairly significant impact on them, although they have been expanding into alternative forms of tobacco, which has also been accused of them finding new ways to market towards kids. All I know is that Camel Orbs played a large role in my quitting smoking, so I'm all for it.


If kids want to smoke, they will find a way. Get rid of the desire, not the product itself, this is dumb.

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Camel had been coming out with more and more flavored cigs over the years, so I'm sure this is having a fairly significant impact on them, although they have been expanding into alternative forms of tobacco, which has also been accused of them finding new ways to market towards kids. All I know is that Camel Orbs played a large role in my quitting smoking, so I'm all for it.


If kids want to smoke, they will find a way. Get rid of the desire, not the product itself, this is dumb.


How do those things taste? Is it more like a mint or just a flavored dip kind of thing? I've been thinking about switching to those instead of cigarettes but haven't found anyone who'd actually used them yet.

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I didn't even think such products were that popular anyway. . . unless it were among underage users and emo kids. So while I feel if they are going to start regulating the variety of tobacco we're able to distribute, it's only a matter of time before they ban it all. So perhaps we're one step closer to a happier and healthier US of A (minus happier).
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I didn't even think such products were that popular anyway. . . unless it were among underage users and emo kids. So while I feel if they are going to start regulating the variety of tobacco we're able to distribute, it's only a matter of time before they ban it all. So perhaps we're one step closer to a happier and healthier US of A (minus happier).


Our country was founded on tobacco. All tobacco products should be legal end of story. We need to stop making idiotic laws removing our freedoms.

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