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To all the married guys

Guest mitsumodder

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I have enjoyed reading this thread and choose not to comment on my personal situation. :)


However, I will say from my experience and sincere conversations with other married friends (I myself am 7yrs married, w/ 16mo-old kid) that communication is very important. While you are concerned with sex, I guarantee you or her are experiencing some other stresses on your life/job/friends that are affecting your relationship. You need to air out everything and get back to good.

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This is fucking bullshit. If the woman you are with is willing to use sex as some sort of pawn to dictate the relationship then you need to get rid of the selfish bitch! (Im not directly talking to you, simply stating a general fact)


As for you guys who are content sitting back letting your wives control your lives, to each his own but as for me I know there will never be a day i cut off my balls and hand them over to a woman (no matter how much love i have for her) in a nice shiny brass case and say "thankyou honey for taking care of everything". The man needs to be the man in the relationship, end of story. I've grown up half my life watching my step-dad pussy foot around my mom because he's too much of a bitch to stand up for himself and always said I would never end up like that.


As for the sex thing, someone had it right when they said you really need to open up the lines of communication and fast. I'll be honest in saying that after years of playing the game I've finally found a good decent women to stick with. We're not shy about saying what we both want and talking about everything, i mean EVERYTHING.



Quoted because everyone needs to read this post!!



I will always have MY own check/savings account seperate and she will have no idea about it!


If a woman wants to use sex as a way to get what she wants thats cool. Dont get mad when im getting some strange on the side because your fucking psycho and i need mine and you are not giving me what i need.

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Ive been maried for 5 years and the one thing Ive learned is that if they dont want to have sex "YOU AINT GETTING NONE" no matter what you say. Thats the one thing that they can hold over our heads to get what they want


She can't cut me off, cause she don't know where i'm gettin it!

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This is fucking bullshit. If the woman you are with is willing to use sex as some sort of pawn to dictate the relationship then you need to get rid of the selfish bitch! (Im not directly talking to you, simply stating a general fact)


As for you guys who are content sitting back letting your wives control your lives, to each his own but as for me I know there will never be a day i cut off my balls and hand them over to a woman (no matter how much love i have for her) in a nice shiny brass case and say "thankyou honey for taking care of everything". The man needs to be the man in the relationship, end of story. I've grown up half my life watching my step-dad pussy foot around my mom because he's too much of a bitch to stand up for himself and always said I would never end up like that.


As for the sex thing, someone had it right when they said you really need to open up the lines of communication and fast. I'll be honest in saying that after years of playing the game I've finally found a good decent women to stick with. We're not shy about saying what we both want and talking about everything, i mean EVERYTHING.

Dont take what I say literally. My wife manages all the money, the bills and the house. Because I let her. Thats stuff is work. Why would I want to work when I can have someone else do it for me? I dont get sex everynight, nor do I want it. I get it when I want it. Again because I am the boss. We are on a level playing field 99% of the time. But I make it very clear and always have, that I am the boss. I tell my family all the time that this isnt a people run government. I am the sole king. And for 99% of the time I dont have to rule. But the 1% I do, its what I say goes. Kids are like the dog, I own them. When I was getting married the preacher said who gives this woman to this man. My wifes parents said we do. So as far as I am concerned, I own her too. But I am a loving king.:cool:

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Guest tbutera2112
Dont take what I say literally. My wife manages all the money, the bills and the house. Because I let her. Thats stuff is work. Why would I want to work when I can have someone else do it for me? I dont get sex everynight, nor do I want it. I get it when I want it. Again because I am the boss. We are on a level playing field 99% of the time. But I make it very clear and always have, that I am the boss. I tell my family all the time that this isnt a people run government. I am the sole king. And for 99% of the time I dont have to rule. But the 1% I do, its what I say goes. Kids are like the dog, I own them. When I was getting married the preacher said who gives this woman to this man. My wifes parents said we do. So as far as I am concerned, I own her too. But I am a loving king.:cool:


hahaha win

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hahaha win

Well its true. :p As any smart person who wants to stay in power, I seek the advice from my people and dont rule with an Iron fist. I dont want to be poisoned or worse divorced(overthrown). Most married men who have been married for anytime always say " my wife is the boss". Then the younger guys say "my wife aint my boss". Those are usually the guys whos wife really is their boss.

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Dont take what I say literally. My wife manages all the money, the bills and the house. Because I let her. Thats stuff is work. Why would I want to work when I can have someone else do it for me? I dont get sex everynight, nor do I want it. I get it when I want it. Again because I am the boss. We are on a level playing field 99% of the time. But I make it very clear and always have, that I am the boss. I tell my family all the time that this isnt a people run government. I am the sole king. And for 99% of the time I dont have to rule. But the 1% I do, its what I say goes. Kids are like the dog, I own them. When I was getting married the preacher said who gives this woman to this man. My wifes parents said we do. So as far as I am concerned, I own her too. But I am a loving king.:cool:


Well if you ever ran into a position like my boss you'd be screwed. She handled all the financial stuff and he had no clue, she started putting all the money from "paid" bills into another bank account for about 2-3 months until they started calling and she bolted after taking what was left in the bank accounts. You can't do a thing about it either b/c it's her money just as much as it is yours.

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Dont take what I say literally. My wife manages all the money, the bills and the house. Because I let her. Thats stuff is work. Why would I want to work when I can have someone else do it for me? I dont get sex everynight, nor do I want it. I get it when I want it. Again because I am the boss. We are on a level playing field 99% of the time. But I make it very clear and always have, that I am the boss. I tell my family all the time that this isnt a people run government. I am the sole king. And for 99% of the time I dont have to rule. But the 1% I do, its what I say goes. Kids are like the dog, I own them. When I was getting married the preacher said who gives this woman to this man. My wifes parents said we do. So as far as I am concerned, I own her too. But I am a loving king.:cool:


+1. I handle all the money. But i let me wife make the majority of the decisions. Happy wife is a happy life. but when I need to step in and say hey this is how its going to be then I do. and my wife looks to me when that times comes.

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Well if you ever ran into a position like my boss you'd be screwed. She handled all the financial stuff and he had no clue, she started putting all the money from "paid" bills into another bank account for about 2-3 months until they started calling and she bolted after taking what was left in the bank accounts. You can't do a thing about it either b/c it's her money just as much as it is yours.

My wife wont get far on $50:(

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