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im f!@##$ pissed!!!!!!!!!!

Red Beard

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shit hillbilly your already starting drama down there.... luls... next time u see your ex-boss just blankly stare at him and say.... " Bitch... i'm from lyndhurst" ... and he should cower in fear.... LOL


hahahahahahaha thats great!! i miss going down there lol.


Veracity, this. BUT...if they DO give a reason such as theft, they must be able to prove it. That all goes through Job and Family Services, if you don't claim for unemployment or to challenge the firing then nothing will happen. I've got a coworker that used to process claims at J&FS, I'll check with her on the process tomorrow.


please let me know how this worked, and if it was all worth the time and effort for her in the long run, thanks.

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Stay at Verizon and don't interview at Panasonic then. they will and do conduct deep research to find you on the net. so do many others including small companies.


So how are they going to know what forums he is on? Do you have to give your IP address when you interview? You do realize CR isnt viewable to the public right? Facebook, myspace, online resumes, etc are easy because most people are listed by their name... Forums are listed by screenname... I'm an admin here and I dont even have his full name so how is an employer going to find him?


I guess my question is what do you mean by in depth? If in depth is just checking social networking sites then plenty of companies do that to make sure the person wont turn into an HR nightmare (racist comments, etc). Do they actually ask possible candidates to give information as to where they go or do these companies just start searching based on what was given to them on the application?

Edited by V8 Beast
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So how are they going to know what forums he is on? Do you have to give your IP address when you interview? You do realize CR isnt viewable to the public right? Facebook, myspace, online resumes, etc are easy because most people are listed by their name... Forums are listed by screenname... I'm an admin here and I dont even have his full name so how is an employer going to find him?


I know CR is behind close doors so-to-speak, but joining isn't hard. I've found 4 of my customers and business contacts on here. Some don't even know I know they are here, but it wasn't hard. You're an admin and perhaps don't have someones full name, but starting the other way around, it's much easier. That's how it starts.


I guess my question is what do you mean by in depth? If in depth is just checking social networking sites then plenty of companies do that to make sure the person wont turn into an HR nightmare (racist comments, etc). Do they actually ask possible candidates to give information as to where they go or do these companies just start searching based on what was given to them on the application?


By in depth, I mean in depth. Panny pays big bucks to have a search firm dig up dirt. 99% of people are easily found through email addy's, photos and the typical facebook sites you mentioned. They also take information gathered during interviews. I can easily find out hobbies and interests of folks I interview and have it yield pretty much where to look for them.


It's pretty easy to figure out that by simply talking with someone how easy they make it to find them online. Even what closed doors they are hiding behind......ie, private forums. Most folks stick close to home, most use 1-3 email addys and have 1-3 close hobbies they participate in. Lots of times you will also come up simply by tracking your references. Especially personal references.

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I know CR is behind close doors so-to-speak, but joining isn't hard. I've found 4 of my customers and business contacts on here. Some don't even know I know they are here, but it wasn't hard. You're an admin and perhaps don't have someones full name, but starting the other way around, it's much easier. That's how it starts.


My thing is what company is going to take the time to make a profile and compose a good enough intro just to see if a candidate is worth hiring? Well I guess if they are paying other companies to do it they are actually being paid so they may take the time...

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My thing is what company is going to take the time to make a profile and compose a good enough intro just to see if a candidate is worth hiring? Well I guess if they are paying other companies to do it they are actually being paid so they may take the time...


Yep...the current company I'm at is only about 700 people strong and they too pay a retainer to their search firm. They found my information here on CR as well as 2 others at my company. They also found two competitors. We hired one of them :) I didn't get any flack for what I have posted though. They just want to make sure they cover all bases. I know as a good friend of mine in inside provided me the details on my report. That said, I am one of the easier folks in the world to find.

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All this talk for nothing. Ohio is an At-Will state. You can quit At Will and you can be fired At Will. /thread


Than you just let them go. You don't accuse them of theft as an excuse. Why is this so hard for some of you to understand?

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You only have rights against discrimination etc... Your employment does NOT constitute a contract for either party.


Basically, you can quit without recourse from your employee suing you for loss of business etc... and you can't sue them for wrongful termination unless some law was broken in the process.


Of course, most businesses want to avoid unemployment claims and try their best to document your performance issues etc... before releasing you. At least that's my experience.

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Tell you what, if you're as much of an asshole as I am, you have a way to seriously FUCK this dude. He DID tell you why he was firing you, which means you CAN take legal action. File a dispute over the firing, and file charges for libel. If he can't produce tapes showing you stealing from the safe, you'll win the lawsuit.

Also, while you're doing this, file for unemployment. If you are denied based on him telling them you were dismissed for theft, there's a few more charges you can file against him.

If you haven't stolen anything, then the guy just screwed himself unbelievably, providing, of course, that you have the nuts to stick through the proceedings...

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