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im f!@##$ pissed!!!!!!!!!!

Red Beard

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ok so i just started this job at delco drive through and ive been working there for about 2 months. yesterday i got a call from my boss bitching at me about me not caring about my job. which he heard from another girl that was

completely obserd. i told him that it wasnt that i didnt care about my job, it was i didnt care weather i had a deposit key. long story short i had a deposit key waiting for me today when i got to work. so i was fine with that, i felt it was pretty shitty that i didnt get an apology but it is what it is. so i worked today went home and later this evening i got another call from the boss who said i was stealing from work, and that he was printing off a copy of the security tapes and that he was calling the cops and they would be at my door tomorrow to have me arrested. so i called the drive through itself to talk to someone and the accountant frank answered the phone and said that he was printing off the tapes and not to call here anymore. the worst part about all of this is noone said i was fired!!!! they simply said that i stole from work. i dont know what to do?!?!?! the only thing i can figure what i should do is to continue to go to work untill they say otherwise. anyone have any imput on what i should do?

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you never answered if you stole anything or not?


i definitely wouldn't say the "worst part of all this is noone said if i was fired or not"


that's retarded. Its pretty simple, if you stole something and they have you on tape, you're going to jail most likely. If you didn't steal anything than they don't have you on tape, and I would quit the job. If your boss actually does call the cops and presses false charges against you, I would sue his ass in court for slander or libel or whatever its called.

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I would get the HR department involved if I was you unless you are stealing, then I would move to canada/mexico...just a thought.


BTW, what the hell is a "Delco drive thru"?


Delco= Delaware County. Almost everything in Delaware county has Delco in the name somewhere, LOL.

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and the question continues... DID you steal anything?


we had a situation like this at work today. not nearly as severe but im in the mood to type.

we hire this new guy about a month ago. this kid is dumber than a box of rocks, and is somewhat fat. ok well i can deal with that since most of the employees here are dumb too. the last 3 or 4 times at work hes made himself at least 30$ worth the food and doesnt pay a cent for it. today he was asked politely to pay for the food that he was taking. he agreed and went over to the register. 3 of us watched him begin to enter the order, halfway through decides he doesnt want to pay, and cancels his order. then proceeds to walk out the front doors. dave and i stop the kid asking him why he didnt pay for his shit. he said that the computer didnt let him. (ok so don't ask for assistance you worthless fuck). needsless to say the kid gets a writeup and gets to speak with our GM tuesday. his drawers have been short by 20 bucks every week. you steal, you will be caught. if you didnt steal, like beer said, sue them for slader.


on a side note, if i swing through can i get fre iten plx? :lol:

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PS. If your job accuses you of stealing and tells you never to call there -- you can make the assumption you are fired.


You sound like a bright guy.




or you could just show up to work and pretend nothing happened. maybe you dreamed all this up?

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A friend of mine had a job there for a total of 1 day. Got fired cause he said he wasn't doing his job. The owner of the delco drive throughs is a complete asshole. he's a shitty person and an even shittier business owner.


Just be smart on what you say to him. Whether or not he has a right to accuse you.

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Guest tbutera2112
Thats why I work at Wendy's and didn't quit yet :p

Neither do my managers care 1 tiny bit.


dont you weight like 70 lbs? i bet they dont even realize you eat all their food since youre the size of a pigeon feather

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