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Time warner DVR box - skipping around =(


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I had to have my Time Warner HD-DVR box replaced last year due to his. . now it's doing it again.


Do any of you have issues with your recordings becoming skippy? As in it kinda skips around when you try to play it back. Sometimes happens on live TV too.


If you reset the box it sometimes helps, but it always comes back.


Perhaps an issue with my actual lines at this point, any ideas?

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I had to have my Time Warner HD-DVR box replaced last year due to his. . now it's doing it again.


Do any of you have issues with your recordings becoming skippy? As in it kinda skips around when you try to play it back. Sometimes happens on live TV too.


If you reset the box it sometimes helps, but it always comes back.


Perhaps an issue with my actual lines at this point, any ideas?


Mine's been doing it off and on alot lately, especially before the channel switch. I watch most of my tv real late at night, though, and I sometimes wonder if I get alot of skipping and freezing because they're updating peoples shit at night or something. Either way, it's not a fuckin excuse. I have wondered if it's anything here, but they say my signal is golden. I've been curious if anyone else has been having the same problems. You may have only your dvr is recording those skips, etc while I"m watching them.

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I get it from time to time. I must say TW has my balls in a sling. I'd dump that crap ass service yesterday...IF I wasn't doing the bundle internet, cable, phone. Cable is rip. It's like $13 additional dollars a month just to add HBO. I so hate TW. ATT can't get to my area soon enough. I'm switching DAY 1.!!
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Mine does it all the time too. I have WOW and they said I needed a new line and were going to charge me for it. When I switched to HD they weren't happy with the signal from the line and told me it was very low for an HD signal and that I should have them rewire the house. Shouldn't they do it for free? Or should I shop around and see if another company will do it for free? I've never had a problem with WOW and think their customer service is pretty good.

But this skipping is driving me nuts and more so my wife. And when the wife complains it isn't a good day for me.

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Mine does it all the time too. I have WOW and they said I needed a new line and were going to charge me for it. When I switched to HD they weren't happy with the signal from the line and told me it was very low for an HD signal and that I should have them rewire the house. Shouldn't they do it for free? Or should I shop around and see if another company will do it for free? I've never had a problem with WOW and think their customer service is pretty good.

But this skipping is driving me nuts and more so my wife. And when the wife complains it isn't a good day for me.

PM me with your account information (at least a phone number), and I can get a tech out there to care for it for you.

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