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Welp, best friend is in rehab

El Karacho1647545492

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A crazy story happened to me a few years ago Tyler from Columbus dsm, we use to work on cars alot at his dads house. His mom use to be a pill head, and love downers. One night she came in what I thought to be drunk because she was staggering around. Come to find out she was eating morphine patches taking the gel out. I Went in the bathroom around 2am to clean up because I was about to leave and I found her dead in the bathroom. I called the police and picked her up and put her on the couch, she was already stiff and I noticed she had 3-4 patches around her neck and chest area. Was so crazy drugs really can fuck up family's . Either way on to a positive note yesterday guys from the correctional facility I work at did a play at marysville High school they did a real good job and there is a article in the Columbus dispatch today, check it out of it you guys have time.
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Was he caught in the act or did someone tattle?


he got caught passing notes. apparently their version of rehabilitation is to treat everyone like a child until they accept the 12 step program.



but yeah he was fucking her and everyone knew it and someone squealed cuz as a result of passing notes, they segregated all tv time, all meals, fuckin everything.

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