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Holy shit Ford!

Trouble Maker

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Odd, I am into cars based on the car, not the culture of the company. I still feel GM puts out a better overall product than Ford.


Chrysler...I still can't figure out why they saved them. Ford at least puts out some interesting vehicles - Chrysler just isn't getting it.

The culture changes have to do with who makes the decisions, how fast they can make them/implement them, etc. It's a very good thing and it will lead to better products in faster time frames. So it will very much affect the products they are putting out.

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I agree if I had to chose a vehicle based on performance/styling it would probably be a GM product over a Chrysler or Ford. I would most definatly choose a GM when it comes to working on a vehicle, but hey again thats me.


Again I dislike Ford and Chrysler based on me working on them, not driving them. Well, actually there really isn't a Chrysler/Ford car that stands out in my mind as being "fun" to drive. Other than cars from years ago in the age of the 2.3T.

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So you claim that the ford's hold up better, but give no insight to what has not held up well with your GM product. Excellent contribution, I am not swinging from GM's nuts here I have just heard of some of the things that people complain about with cars and they are non-existent problems, or problems caused by the operator. I like to read what people's problems are and make mental notes to compare them to issues i have seen/heard. This helps with giving advice to others when they inquire about particular cars and their issues....
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honestly, I am so unhappy with GM, I will never buy another one... I feel that ford makes shitty cars, so I will most likely continue to not buy domestic anymore

...or you could actually check one out for a change, instead of just following standard issue conjecture?

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So you claim that the ford's hold up better, but give no insight to what has not held up well with your GM product. Excellent contribution...
Orrrr I could not bother because of a stupid smart-mouthed kid. Yeah, I think I'll choose that option. Guess you gotta figure out life on your own, son.



Yep, I've been just this unpleasant on this board for 7 years now.

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Orrrr I could not bother because of a stupid smart-mouthed kid. Yeah, I think I'll choose that option. Guess you gotta figure out life on your own, son.



Yep, I've been just this unpleasant on this board for 7 years now.



Not being smart mouthed at all just having an open mind to learn something, but if your going to be arrogant about it suit yourself. Don't think to highly of yourself.

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I helped my parents buy a new car two weeks ago. They've always owned Honda's. They checked out Camry's, Accord's, Altima's, Malibu's, and the Sonata. They ended up picking a Ford. Something that they thought they would never buy. It was cheaper, quieter and built just as well as the japanese cars. It also got a bit better gas mileage. The Sync system is also pretty cool.
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I'm assuming the jumped into a Fusion?


I was thinking about buying a new car back in April or so and checked them out. Too big of a car for what I wanted so I didn't even drive it. I've heard really good things about them from people I trust on car opinions, which is why even bothered to look at them.

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