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Inside info:


For those who didnt know MAX AND ERMAS was bought out by Damons a while back..


Well Damons was trying to use m&e's to bail them out and now the M&E's is bankrupt also and are closing stores..


I dont know how many or what not but the one off livingston just had a meeting that they are now shutting the store down... so we will see how many sotres close and what direction they take



:( they were a really good place to eat sad to see this happen

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It's not so much "inside information". After filing bankruptcy, they have been trying unsuccessfully to put on a 'good face' saying they are not going to collapse. The writing is on the wall people. You may want o get there one last time before they shut the doors.


I worked at several (4) locations while in college. I still eat there at least a couple times a month.

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Srsly though, good riddance. Its not like Columbus needs one more Applebees/TGIFridays/Chachkies style restaurant.


You choad! M&Es was founded, and is headquartered, in Cbus. This is a 37 years old institution who has done great things for the community.


In fact, the same year that Max and Erma's was incorporated (1972), was the the last time your haircut, and wannabe mustache, were in fashion.

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Just thinking about when the Kenny/Henderson store had phones on all the tables. They mounted the table #s above the lamps and you could just dial any table you wanted. What a great way to meet womenz! I did some serious drunk dialing back in the day.


It also had a killer Pasta and Raw bar. Sunday Jazz nights use to pack them in.


Oh, I can't even begin to count up the opportunities I had....

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