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I think I am going to strategically default on my home.


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You parents lost 100K and you mention being retarded....Either your parents had that kind of money to lose or they just didnt give a fuck. I dont have that kind of money to lose. Therefore, if it sits on the market for 43 months and eventually sells for that kind of a loss....i'll be in an apartment somewhere because i'll drain every acct I have to cover the GAP!
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If I was you I would keep the house and try to sell it later. If you have to sell it right now you are going to have to drop the price.


Another option rent it out and get yourself a small townhouse or flat. $700 or less a month rent is what I am talking about. You probably won't want to do that though. I hated it when I was renting. I don't like my house now but at least my mortgage is still the same amount as my rent was. If I lose my job I can still afford to make mortgage payments with wife's income.

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Charles, don't be stupid, you haven't had the kid yet it's going to be another 5 1/2 years until the kid goes to school, see what the market is then. Even if your kid goes to COlumbus schools for the first couple of years like K and 1st and 2nd grade you can send them to a charter school for free. My sister in-law lives behind the Cleveland Ave Meijer between 161 and Morse Rd, and I pick her kid up at Cornerstone Academy which was just built in the New Albany area by me. She pays nothing for him to go there. Your kids will not "have" to go to columbus. Don't ruin your credit. Be patient ya knuckle head. My god anyone can teach adding and subtracting and colors and basic english. My daughter is 2.5 and can count, knows most of her alphabet, colors, and has a huge vocabulary and is able to have a conversation with you. If parent's put in the time, your kid will learn. It's not the school system, it's the fucking parents fault. Columbus gets a bad rap because too many columbus city school parents don't value education. If you are close to Mifflin, your kid should be able go to Cornerstone Academy. (it's east of hoover dam on Walnut rd.) The kid rides the bus in the morning, and I pick him up at school and take him home with me when I get off work at 3:30pm.





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You parents lost 100K and you mention being retarded....Either your parents had that kind of money to lose or they just didnt give a fuck. I dont have that kind of money to lose. Therefore, if it sits on the market for 43 months and eventually sells for that kind of a loss....i'll be in an apartment somewhere because i'll drain every acct I have to cover the GAP!


Obviously they had the money if they did it. It was worth it to them to get out of Ohio. But they don't sit around a bitch and moan about it. If you're not prepared to take a loss, then wait it out. I believe your FICO score will take a 200-300 point drop with a short sale or foreclosure. You may not care about your credit score now, but things change very quickly and you might need it before it your score recovers.


Is your asking price what you owe on the house? And even if you do foreclose, the bank can sue you to cover the gap if they end up selling it for less than you owed. I'm willing to bet that if they found out you weren't in some kind of financial disstress and you just didn't like the neighborhood, they'd come after you.

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I think your reason for wanting to move are kinda flawed. It's about survival. And survival = having $$. Why would you risk your credit....$100k...and put yourself into an $1800/month RENTING obligation? Over bad schools? Send them to private school if it's that big of a deal. But throwing the kinda money away you're talking about throwing...you'd have to be mentally handicapped...or really effing rich.
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yeah i think your reasons are bad. as mentioned you don't even have the kid yet. let it sit on the market till it sells. if it hasn't sold in 6 years when your child goes off to school then worry about it. unless you absolutely can't afford it I would sit it out. good luck.
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My asking price is just enough to cover the mort, yes. I am trying to lose as little as possible. From what my neighbor is dealing with, I need to lower my price upwards of 40k. I cant fuck with that. Your parents are a rare case. Not too many people are willing to take that kind of loss.



you don't even have the kid yet.


I do have a kid.


I think your reason for wanting to move are kinda flawed. It's about survival. And survival = having $$. Why would you risk your credit....$100k...and put yourself into an $1800/month RENTING obligation?


Only thing i'd be ruining is my credit. Not sure what you're talking about 100k. The bank would have to eat the loss of the property value, not me. I'd have to do more homework and see if they could come after me. As someone said, not sure the short sale would be approved cause I am not having issues paying. Paying that amount for rent is high as hell, but to make sure my wife and kid are safe and I have my kid where I feel she needs to be to get the education I think she deserves, it's worth it. It's doesn't really matter to me if any of you don't agree or understand that.

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Charles, don't be stupid, you haven't had the kid yet it's going to be another 5 1/2 years until the kid goes to school, see what the market is then.


sorry he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.....

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Why anyone would consider this is beyond me.....this is what has caused the crap we are dealing with to day and you're just wanting to contribute to it.


Not trying to be rude or mean but fucking suck it up life isn't easy and doesn't always go as planned. Be a MAN about it and roll with the punches. You'd think that people choose where they live BEFORE they get pregnant and pop out a kid or two.....I guess that would be logical?

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sorry he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.....


If the subject isn't Apple....I wouldn't follow his lead.




Not trying to be rude or mean but fucking suck it up life isn't easy and doesn't always go as planned. Be a MAN about it and roll with the punches. You'd think that people choose where they live BEFORE they get pregnant and pop out a kid or two.....I guess that would be logical?




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Paying that amount for rent is high as hell, but to make sure my wife and kid are safe and I have my kid where I feel she needs to be to get the education I think she deserves, it's worth it. It's doesn't really matter to me if any of you don't agree or understand that.



If you think that moving is going to protect them you are wrong. Crime happens in wealthy nice neighborhoods as well. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73354

I think Tim lives in a pretty "safe neighborhood"


If education is your worry send her to a private school.


I do however think you are being a drama queen. Put your fuckin man pants on. Get an alarm system.Get a outside camera security system. Build a Safe room. Secure YOUR house why the fuck would you move to get away from crime. Make sure the crime stays away from you by being prepared. Changing your life style can be your best self defense. Moving will not solve crime problems.


And again why destroy your credit when all of your problems can be solved with small simple life changes.


Sounds like your punking out and just want to take the easy way out. Thats cool its ok to be scared.

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