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One of the radio stations here in Cleveland (96.5 kiss fm) decided that they are pulling all of Chris Browns music off of there station due to the recent events between him and Rhianna. Now i have a serious fucking problem with this for a few reasons, first of all the entire situation is one big accusation, no one has proven anything yet. Do I think he did it? Yes, but he is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

The other thing that pisses me off about this is that they pull his music but they still play R. Kelly, DMX, T.I., Lil Kim, Vanilla Ice, 50 Cent, Ja Rule, and countless other artists that all have criminal pasts. As far as i am concerned the message they are sending is that its not ok to beat your girlfriend up, but it is ok to piss on 14 year olds, impersonate police officers and FBI agents, buy illegal/unlicenced guns, take drugs, sell drugs, commit conspiracy and perjury, and due to them still playing Vanilla Ice they have decided to declare that it is ok to assault your wife but not your girlfriend.

The last reason that it really bugs the hell out of me is that on one of their sister stations here in Cleveland (100.7 wmms) there is an afternoon host who for 2 years was on the air glorifying his heroin addiction and even now 2 years after coming out of rehab and staying sober he still talks about it constantly. Not to mention his co-host is a huge pot head and he talks about smoking weed all the time and how great it is.

Basically what I am trying to say is any station that pulls Chris Brown's music is :supergay:

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Awh don't play dumb Casper, you know you have all of his songs on your Ipod. I heard you and Mclovin had a dance off down on the Gap trip, so I know you know who he is.

Quoted for sheer hilarity!

Vulcan, I also believe that you have a valid argument, and perhaps you should notify the station if you feel compelled to do so.

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I smoke weed all the time and it IS great!! One of the few reasons I remain employed is my company doesn't drug test. If they ever start I'm completely fucked.

nah man, you can just go buy the whizzinator.

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I agree with ya Vulcan, he is innocent until found guilty, and so many of the 'pictures' of her with bruises and all mangled are photoshopped so we don't really know what actually happened. And if anyone thinks we can rely on the media for accurate info is a complete tard.

I kinda saw something like this coming though because there were so many allegations of her going completely psycho on him for no reason, being super controlling while he was on tour. She allegedly told him he wasnt allowed to go on tour if any other females were going, he was not allowed to look at any girls backstage and no parties or anything like that. So there has been problems for awhile. It was deff an unhealthy relationship and it blew up apparently.

Our KISS station stopped playing his music for a day or so too, but its pretty much pointless...

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I listen to the afternoon guy on WMMS and the program director for both stations is always on the Maxwell show. Basically a caller called into KISS and said it was wrong for them to play it. So the DJ and the program director figured out how much plublicity it would bring the station. And since then 96.5 KISS FM has been on all the national morning shows, Rolling Stone etc.

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I'd hate to meet the hoe that has to deal with your pimp hand there RVT, or do you use your left hand?

The bitchez have a repreive momentarily. My pimp hand was the one broke in the accident last year and it's still giving me some trouble. I save the left for other functions since I control the mouse with my right.

But as you see from my avatar, I normally keep my pimp hand STRONG!

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Jarv, JRMiii has much respect for Lego Hellboy, and Lego Hellboy has much respect for him.

Now should my copper-clad amigo step out of line, he will see the business end of said pimp hand, and with much aquickness.

Love an' repsect, J!

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Worse thing you could ever do is lay your hands on a woman.. If I seen man beating a woman, welll for future dealings I have been legally advised not to actually say what I would do.

Here is a prime example of why parents should be allowed to "correct" their children. I have flashes of prison if my kid ever acted like this...


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Worse thing you could ever do is lay your hands on a woman.. If I seen man beating a woman, welll for future dealings I have been legally advised not to actually say what I would do.

:plus1:In all seriousness, I wholeheartedly agree. My parents are divorced, and have been for a long time. And I rememebr them fighting, and my mother calling my father everything but a white man. Throwing shit, losing her mind. And dad would yell sometimes, (not that he wasn't wrong or undeserved of mom's anger), but never once did he ever call her a name in anger or raise his hand to her. Never. And he taught me from an early age you do NOT put your hands on a woman in anger. Never. Walk the fuck away. And it is something that now, as I find myself getting divorced, that as much as my wife and I fought, and as angry as she mad me, not once have I ever even considered hitting her. It has no value. I have friends who's husbands have hit them, and it riles me up to no end to think about that.
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She's a singer and he broke her jaw ??

She will own his ass !

true or not,

There are alot of men beating women who think they can get away with it , I'm sure evryone knows at least one woman like that !

I don't know what to do with that, but get the fuck as far away as possible. Lose Lose there !

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