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Sweet - Home Buyer tax credit has been extended AND expanded


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- Now good for contracts through May 1st, 2010


- Now good for those who owned homes for at least 6 of the last 8 years.


- Extended the AGI limit


For me, this is awesome because I hope to be done renovating my Reynoldsburg house by the end of the year. This means that tax credit will apply for 4 months of listing, and it is very much a house that would be the market for this tax credit. I am getting sick of us paying two mortgages, so making it easier to sell is nothing but good.


What sucks is this new credit rule would have applied to my wife and I when we bought our new place, but isn't retroactive to earlier this year. :(

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they just need to give people money that bought before this came out. I bought in 2007 and was a first time buyer and want to sell and buy a different house (with land) and that would help with the new down payment!

You don't qualify, and I doubt they will extend it to your circumstance.


I am betting the idea is they want to make it available for established home owners to be enticed to upgrade to a different home.

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"2. For current home owners: In addition, the new law makes most current homeowners eligible for a tax credit of up to $6,500 when they purchase their next primary residence. Under the terms of the legislation, current homeowners must have lived in their home for five consecutive years over the previous eight to be eligible. Qualified home buyers can obtain the credit on homes purchased between Nov. 7 and the end of April 2010. That means they need a signed sales contract on a home before May 1, 2010, but they have until the end of June to close the sale. The income limits for current homeowners are the same as those for first-time home buyers. About 70 percent of current homeowners are now eligible for the credit, according to Phillips."



Wow , thats pretty big, 70% of current homeowners can take advantage of this.

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Does a person owning less than 2 years qualify? I read it, but help me out.


The way i understand it you cant have owned anything in the last 3 years, so i think your ruled out.


This is great news for me, i was on the fence about home shopping anyway and decided if the tax credit was extended i would start shopping. I've got until end of June 2010 to close to that's plenty of time. Just hope i can find something decent in my price range now.

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We bought a house this year because I was afraid they would not extend this. Personally I think that the housing market is turning around and I dont think that they will extend again. Either way I am glad we bought when we did and what we did because we are very happy and we just received our 8k check 2 weeks ago!!! :D
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We bought a house this year because I was afraid they would not extend this. Personally I think that the housing market is turning around and I dont think that they will extend again. Either way I am glad we bought when we did and what we did because we are very happy and we just received our 8k check 2 weeks ago!!! :D


How did you get a check already. I thought this was a credit on your taxes?

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How did you get a check already. I thought this was a credit on your taxes?


Nope its a 8k Check straight from the IRS (or 10% up to an 80,000 house.)


I retro filed on Feb 09 tax return (or you could wait till next year and put it on that tax return)

You do not have to pay this back to the Government unless you sell your house within 3 years.


They actually sent me $8132.48 the extra $132.48 came from interest THEY paid me for the 2 months it took the to get me the check.... pretty cool huh?


It is not a credit like if you make 100k a year you only have to file for an income of 92k.

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