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Looking at a 20,000 sq ft building. Anyone in need of Automobile Storage?

DTM Brian

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I spent the this morning and early afternoon looking at a building in Sunbury. A price has been negotiated and I am looking to take possession as early as this month providing other things fall into place. I will have 20,000 square feet. I am looking to take 10,000 square feet and use it for storage. I have plans for the other 10,000 square feet however that will come at a later date. Looking to store up to 30 cars. Pricing is yet to be determined. I will probably have a rate for month to month and a rate for a 6 month lease. You car will be secure and only myself and possibly one other individual will have access. Entrance to the building has a locked gate.


My questions are?


1. What would you pay for a space?


2. What hours and days access would you need?


3. Would you do looking for a 6 month lease at a discounted price or would you only be interested in doing month to month?

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Once my Reynoldsburg house sells, I'd love to continue to keep my boat in a garage (currently just keep it there). Summer time I'll keep it in the garage at our house, but I like the extra room in the winter.


I'd pay as little as I could; would need no access except to grab it in the spring whenever you would happen to be there on your own, and would do a couple month lease to probably the start of April. I'd prefer to pay less money simply because it can be stuffed in a corner and doesn't need to be accessable.

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Brian you should have pretty good luck doing this. My dad rents his old shop out right off rt 3 and 37 to a guy doing the same thing. Its 12k sq ft and the guy has I believe the 6k he doesnt use for auto repair filled up. With just a few ad's, I dont think you should have any problem filling it with cars, boats and rv's
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interesting idea. thats kind of far away from where you live.

answers to your questions though,

1) 50$ a month

2) 24/7

3) 6 months for 250.


i know im cheap but thats what id pay.


also, you have PM coming your way once i get off the toilet.

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Insurance part looked into. Not going to be a problem. More on this later.


Have you looking into Insurance for this? I am sure it would NOT be cheap.


Also, I agree that if you are storing people's toys, there should be 24/7 availability. I do not know how that would be possible.





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I've been thinking about what to do for the winter myself. The Camaro and 2 Harleys, hell maybe even my riding lawnmower. Not digging the idea of going to sunbury though. Depending on pricing I probably would go month to month. Not sure about access, I haven't thought that far ahead.
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I need a place to work on the car not store



My friend I have many things to talk to you about regarding this building.



I will post updates as I get them regarding cost. ETC. The reason for storage is take advantage of other opportunities with the space.

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I thought about storing my car for the winter.


- Will it be semi heated?

- Insurance?

- Security?

- Can we do basic things there if needed?

- Do month to month rental?

- If my car needs moved, who moves it?


Are you thinking of moving the dyno there? Post pics of said building.

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