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Race Strip?

Radio Flyer1647545514

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Got a new visor today and when I put it on I realized there were these plastic things held into my visor with screws?

It's a Race strip visor, why are those on my visor? Can I take em off? (If I take em off then there will be holes there.)


Should I just return it and get the non-race strip visor?

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It's a Bell Star...

I guess I bought the race visor?

mirrored ones are sooo damn expensive and I walked out of the store before I had realized the tear off posts were on it.

If I take off the posts then I'm pretty sure I'm going to hear wind rushing in non stop.

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Guest tbutera2112
if its like MX goggles are, you can buy tear offs to put on there...theyre thin pieces of plastic the shape of the visor...so if you get a huge bug that splatters into your face mask and you dont have time to stop etc, you just rip that layer off and then you have clear vision again
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if its like MX goggles are, you can buy tear offs to put on there...theyre thin pieces of plastic the shape of the visor...so if you get a huge bug that splatters into your face mask and you dont have time to stop etc, you just rip that layer off and then you have clear vision again


Damn that sounds smart. Except for the whole littering thing haha

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Guest tbutera2112
If you ride alot on the street or even do track days the tear offs are extremely nice to have.


what do you do on the track if you tear one off? just tuck it into a pocket or what? im sure they dont take kindly to just tossing them on the ground?

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Guest tbutera2112
Thats what the track payed corner workers are for, and yes you just tear one off


i would think theyre slick enough to cause problems though arent they? if i ever go to the track, ill lube them up with some ky and be tossing them under peoples tires as they try to pass me haha

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