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compulsive liars?


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i can tell you people with v6 camaro's and firebird's think they are fast because of the name on the car, I don't know how many times people with v6 camaro's sit next to me at a light when I'm in my ss and they'll rev their shit at me and leave the light like its a race, then when i get to the next light they'll scream profanity at me telling me my shits weak I got nothing, all I do is laugh and move on.


I was in circleville one night and there was a kid down there that had a 93 v6 camaro with ss badges on it, he was telling me it was quick and it could beat my modded 6.0L ss with no problems because the 93 ss camaro's were the fastest ones, all I said was they didn't make an ss in 93 they came out in 96, then he proceded to bash me and tell me I didn't know shit about cars, I said well lets race then, you beat me and I'll give you my car and I'll walk home, he backed out and said it wasn't worth his time and gas to race me my car was shit and he didn't want it, my friends and I laughed while he drove away like an idiot


i know exactly what you mean. I get so many kids in V6 mustangs trying to race me all the time. And yes i know i drive a v6 firebird but it runs 13's and i still consider it slow lol.

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People who know nothing about cars always amaze me. I'll enjoy a short conversation until they start talking to me like I know nothing while they're running their mouth about nitrous, turbos, and 10 seconds all while they're standing next to some POS that couldn't keep up with my S10. Then I walk away. I'd be happier to have someone actually keep up with me on the road.
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Actually it was a 3.1 that year, or the optional 5.0, but close enough lol. Slow as hell regardless.


It's funny, I briefly worked with a kid like that at my old job. He told me about his fictional Silverado 2500HD Duramax, and the Roush Mustang with a supercharger and nitrous that he was buying from his cousin, and so on. Every week it was something different


i know, i just told him it was the 2.8 to see if he actually knew what it was/ also to try to make him feel pathetic cause he was so proud he had beat a camaro lol. Even though i think he thought he was a bad ass or something when i told him it was a v6 lmao.

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I hate liars. I will do everything I can to make sure liars get their come uppance. Having never lied myself makes me all the more qualified to judge.


Though do you think he could help me with a project I have coming up. A single day turbo fab-up is pretty impressive !




I fucking lol'd. I was expecting a thoughtful write-up on habitual liars. I'm glad that wasn't the case.


hahaha ill ask him if hes interested. He might be pretty good at it since he has now done 2 of them...

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i know, i just told him it was the 2.8 to see if he actually knew what it was/ also to try to make him feel pathetic cause he was so proud he had beat a camaro lol. Even though i think he thought he was a bad ass or something when i told him it was a v6 lmao.


You're a compulsive liar.

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People who know nothing about cars always amaze me. I'll enjoy a short conversation until they start talking to me like I know nothing while they're running their mouth about nitrous, turbos, and 10 seconds all while they're standing next to some POS that couldn't keep up with my S10. Then I walk away. I'd be happier to have someone actually keep up with me on the road.


this right here is the kid almost exactly. he talks the car up like its so fast because he thinks im dumb or something, but i dont think it could even beat my grand prix.

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