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Just bought a fuckin house! Woohoo!


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So after about 4 1/2 months of going back and forth and dealing with all the bullshit of a short sale, we finally closed last night. We are now residents of pickerington. Im pretty fuckin excited/ nervous about the whole thing and Im pretty sure my neighbors are going to just love my loud ass car. lol.



That is all.

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Cool, does this mean I'll see you guys again sometime?

Yeah, we've been busy as hell lately so hopefully we will start coming out more often.

Congrats man.


so does this mean a huge CR party? :lol:

Probably next summer when the pool is up and running.


I may put pics of the outside, the backyard is the best part. Big ass deck w/ a big pool and hot tub. The inside is still pretty rough and we have alot of cleaning, painting, and flooring to do before I start showing it off.

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u will soon be hating the amount that you're going to have to pay to live in pickerington.


Why is that? The school taxes are a littel less than Canal's which is where we've been living and the property taxes were less in pick town than on a comnparable home in canal.

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