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winter plans

Guest JCroz91

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Guest JCroz91

i know everyone starting to put their bikes away for the winter. whats your plans for the bike over the winter??


mine are to hopfully get a smoked windshield, new tires, solo cowl and a power comandor.

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hope to get a extended swing arm built, sproket the bike, put a header to complete the exhaust, tint the screen. going to start bracket racing the bike next year since its so consistant an its slow haha


orrrrr try to trade it in on a r1 or gsxr1k :)



Collect Dust!!!


I think I managed to put 300 miles on my bike this year.


ill put some miles on it for you :p

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I got my bike in August and put 3,600 miles or so on it...

I hope to not do anything to it because I want a R6 or ZX6r next season.


But I will be doing Bi-Stabil and putting a sock over the pipe. Pulling the battery and letting it sit.


If money doesn't start to collect I might just swap out the front end and rear end w/ gixxer stuff as a last resort, but I doubt it.

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Collect Dust!!!


I think I managed to put 300 miles on my bike this year.


I got my bike in August and put 3,600 miles or so on it...

I hope to not do anything to it because I want a R6 or ZX6r next season.


But I will be doing Bi-Stabil and putting a sock over the pipe. Pulling the battery and letting it sit.


If money doesn't start to collect I might just swap out the front end and rear end w/ gixxer stuff as a last resort, but I doubt it.

panzy just dress warm . as long as its about 32 degrees ill ride.

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I'll eventually get a power commander and have Dyno Brian tune it.

I may do this in Spring, though I already have the tuning stuff.


I am going to add some stabilizer and top off the fuel for the winter, after it get consistently cold enough not to ride. Then in Spring I plan to at least change the plugs/oil, get new tires (or at least a rear) and wash it before the maiden voyage.

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I'll eventually get a power commander and have Dyno Brian tune it.

pshhhh u dont know how to use the power you have now :)

nitrous kit going on. fix oil leak. new clutch. new tires.


that or lose some weight man those gsxrs were working you over last week man! haha itll be a good drag year next year

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