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MW2 thoughts


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You're judging call of duty for it's single player? Dude.. that's like 1/100th of what the game is all about.


This game is beautiful.. if you need your co-op fix, spec ops is awesome. Single player game is so-so, probably the worst aspect of the game. Deathmatch is the greatest thing to ever grace an xbox, infinite replay value.


co-op is really that good? Ive played single player most of the time and played against my girl in split screen in deathmatch and capture the flag. I have a feeling as soon as i hook it up to xbox live im gonna get my ass kicked over and over.

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You're judging call of duty for it's single player? Dude.. that's like 1/100th of what the game is all about.


This game is beautiful.. if you need your co-op fix, spec ops is awesome. Single player game is so-so, probably the worst aspect of the game. Deathmatch is the greatest thing to ever grace an xbox, infinite replay value.


I was playing until 4am last night. Giving air support for a buddy that has to make it to a destination with hundreds of people attacking is bad ass!!!!! So is the waves of enemies that come after you while you pick them off with a sniper rifle. The game is fun as hell in coop mode.

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He looks like he's deformed or an alien or something. Definately unique, but not in a good way. We'll see how long it takes an intelligent modeling company to capitalize on this. If you jack my idea you owe me 20% royalties.


No offense Jovantee, you're fuckin goofy looking. He'd be easy to pick out of a lineup. What tribe is he from?

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Anyone that complains of campers isnt fast enough, plain and simple. IW wanted this to be more realistic ( lots of nooks to hide in and tactical advantages are everywhere) and people dont like that you have to check every corner each time you passs or that people are harder to see. I also would reccomend picking this game up for the 3rd person aspect, puts a whole new twist on COD and I love it.
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Anyone that complains of campers isnt fast enough, plain and simple. IW wanted this to be more realistic ( lots of nooks to hide in and tactical advantages are everywhere) and people dont like that you have to check every corner each time you passs or that people are harder to see. I also would reccomend picking this game up for the 3rd person aspect, puts a whole new twist on COD and I love it.


I agree

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Fast enough? That doesn't make any sense. If you're careful, slice the pie and clear out each corner, it takes about 6 seconds for someone to spawn behind you, or an airstrike to get you. There's nothing fast about checking corners and clearing out every room. It's an ineffective technique in anything but S&D. If you run and gun, said campers just wait for you to run by, and pop out shooting you from behind. There's just no time to be careful in a fast paced deathmatch. You have to be moving fast, which means you sacrifice some care.


It's too bad it isn't more tactical and realistic, but with someone spawning every 3 seconds, there's just no way to ever have a large area secured without camping :(

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Your mom isn't mad that she sucks! Oh yeah! Pwned!!!


Well, let's not forget who had the better k/d until super spawn-death 2009 happened last night. Jaysus Chroist!


Whatever...I have that 1.5 and climbing ratio cause of my mad skillz. Nobody gets 11 spawn deaths especially with Painkiller. Maybe you should just stick to COD1.

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Fuck yeah it does! I still didn't puss out and hit the "reduce difficulty" button though.


Im not kidding dude, ask Baney, there was some sketch going on last night. I'm standing by my statement about the two harriers and helicopter. They were all there at the same time! I wasn't lagging because I shot both down between spawn deaths. Seriously! Someone buy me a videocamera for some super sketch recording.

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After not playing it for an entire day and going back to it (about an hour ago), set up the guns and perks the way I want it, it's much better. I'm not running around that much anymore rather than just walking. Yea if I find a decent spot to sit I will for a few seconds to see if anything's happening and then I'll move on.


The killstreak options are a fucking BEAST! period.


I think the reason I was pissy about it yesterday was the fact that I have been incredibly tired this whole week with my wife being in the hospital and such. I got some decent rest today and feel much better :).

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I feel like the multiplayer is faster paced, which I actually kind of like. The kills feel more like that of WAW, its pretty hard to fall out of the line of fire once you've been hit. The campaign was awesome, but I feel like they went a bit overboard in some aspects which I don't want to say b/c it will ruin the game for you. Lets just remember this game is made by IW and they know what we want from a game.
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The single player sucks balls. They bring Captain Price back from the dead and then he nukes Washington DC? WTF was that? And then you have to go and kill a bunch of Americans because you're public enemy number one after your crazy leader launched a fucking nuclear missile at the capital city of the US and apparently killed the president in the process. Horrible campaign mode, decent multiplayer. Very dissapointing game considering the amount of hype surrounding it.


A fucking 5 hour campaign and a decent at best multiplayer after 5 years of working on this? WTF were these clowns doing while they were supposed to be making a great game?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just picked this up. I suck at online play! is there something I am missing? cheat codes or something. haha.


The key to being good at this game is to hide in one place and shoot people that actually move around the map. Playing has reminded me why I sold my last one... at least this one has special ops. I'll work on beating that.

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