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WTB: Nice handgun


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I was lookin at it an im afraid it would be too small for my hand


are you a big guy? im 5'11 about 180lbs, and i would say ive got medium size hands, and mine fit me fine...woulda probably been fine if i had a little larger hands as well. the grip extension does make a huge difference

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are you a big guy? im 5'11 about 180lbs, and i would say ive got medium size hands, and mine fit me fine...woulda probably been fine if i had a little larger hands as well. the grip extension does make a huge difference


Plus one on this. Im slightly larger than average and with the grip ext my G26 is really nice. If you hold the gun w/o the extension it might feel a little "top heavy" but as noted in the other thread its also nice to have a mag w/o the extension, alot easier to conceal. My brother has a full size M&P .45 and I think thats a bit too big for me but he's alot bigger than me if that gives you any reference.

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ive just had alot of experience with the a 6'' glock an than also a couple 5.5'' as well and they always felt very comfortable in my hand, i wear an XXL glove for riding if that gives you any idea. I'll have to go hold one with the extensions just to see.
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I'm 6'1" 200# and have really big paws for my size and I have no trouble at all with the G26 with and without the extender. I even shoot my G29 10mm 'baby' with no extender with hot double tap loads and it's fine. If an old fart like me can handle it, young guys shouldn't have a problem...
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