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If you still have them call them and tell them you love them, you never really know how good they are and how much they love you until they are gone my grandmother died today about an hour ago at riverside due to complications of lung cancer and a heart attack she suffered early friday morning. I am not asking for sympathy just want people to realize what they have before its too late.....
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Prayers to your family from ours. I never really knew any of my grandparents except my grandfather on my dads side. He passed away when I was 9. I still clearly remember that being one of the first times I ever saw my big strong father melt in tears. I never could process it as a young kid but it wasn't long after that it hit me what he was going through at that time.


Thanks for the reminder too. I made the trip home for the holidays and haven't not thought about your insight since. In fact I'm bringing them both down to stay with us for a few weeks as the joy on my dads face when seeing my kids did him some real good.

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I lost my mom's Mom and Dad, and my dad's Mom in the space of 5 weeks a couple of years ago, and my mom's Step-Mom about a year later. I went from having 5 fairly youthful grandparents to one in the blink of an eye. The scary thing is since my grandmother passed, my dad's dad has aged probably 2 years for every 6 months that has passed since.
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