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Woman shoots and kills intruder 911 tape


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i guess the laws can be different in other states but the 911 op says she has a right to defend her property and i dont hear the woman threaten the guy with her gun, she doesnt say anything just shoots.


is she going to get in trouble?



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because its a woman she probably won't get into trouble. Idk as far as your home, but your not allowed to protect property just your life.


thats what i thought, and that you couldnt shoot unless your life was in danger, and from the sounds of it, you cant tell that the guy ever came after her but.. no one will know for sure i suppose.

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because its a woman she probably won't get into trouble. Idk as far as your home, but your not allowed to protect property just your life.



What do you think the guy would have done once he was in the house? If she could see him clear enough to shoot, then he had to of seen her with a gun. Do you think he was just going to break in, take her TV and leave? That sucks for her though; taking a life can't ever be easy no matter what the circumstances. Now she has to live with that, but better living with that then dying a statistic.

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is she going to get in trouble?

If what she says happened holds up (sounds legit), I'd say she's well within her rights if their laws are anything like ours, even though it sounds like he never actually got in the house.


I think under those circumstances it would be easy to show that she was afraid for her life or severe bodily harm. If someone is trying to break in your house it doesn't mean they're going to hurt you necessarily. If they see you and instead of running away they start yelling threats and throw a table through your window to gain entry, then I'd say they're likely not coming in for tea and crumpets. I wouldn't threaten the guy back either. She did her part and called for help first, but when he escalated the violence she escalated back. He apparently chose the wrong lady to make a victim. He loses.

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What do you think the guy would have done once he was in the house? If she could see him clear enough to shoot, then he had to of seen her with a gun. Do you think he was just going to break in, take her TV and leave? That sucks for her though; taking a life can't ever be easy no matter what the circumstances. Now she has to live with that, but better living with that then dying a statistic.


i didnt say i wouldnt do what she did i was just saying what ive been taught.

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i didnt say i wouldnt do what she did i was just saying what ive been taught.


True, but it's not like she shot him beasue he was cheating on her or becasue it was her husband and he abused her. You hear about that. "Oh she was abused be her husband, she had no choice but to kill him" :rolleyes: But this... well, man or woman I don't think anything would happen.

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She did the right thing. She shot the intruder when he came in the house. I would of done the same thing. Story is only one sided when the other guy is dead.


Yep. Also, thank god and our politicians and our public for getting castle doctrine through in OH finally. I guarantee that robber won't try that again. There's only one surefire way to prevent repeat offenders;)

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Yep. Also, thank god and our politicians and our public for getting castle doctrine through in OH finally. I guarantee that robber won't try that again. There's only one surefire way to prevent repeat offenders;)


he sure wont.. he's dead. one shot to the chest :)

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thats the other thing, if you do have to shoot someone to save your life, you better make sure you end theirs. Because you can have all kinds of bs lawsuits, but if it was correct and justified, you may only look at wrongful death and most of the time get off.



-granted i have never shot anyone and hope i don't have to but if i was in the suitation thats how i would handle it.

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Has anyone in this thread heard of Castle Law? I am very confused by some of the posts.

Yeah, I forgot we have passed Castle Doctrine here, allowing you to use deadly force to protect your "castle" as well as yourself, but I'm not all about killing someone solely over my possessions (ie. catch someone breaking in your house - corner them and shoot them).


However if I think myself or family is in danger somebody's about to get heavier 115 grains at a time. They can have my stuff, it's not worth somebody dying over and gives me an excuse to upgrade :p.

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Yeah, I forgot we have passed Castle Doctrine here, allowing you to use deadly force to protect your "castle" as well as yourself, but I'm not all about killing someone solely over my possessions (ie. catch someone breaking in your house - corner them and shoot them).


However if I think myself or family is in danger somebody's about to get heavier 115 grains at a time. They can have my stuff, it's not worth somebody dying over and gives me an excuse to upgrade :p.


Fuck that, you enter my house and I didn't invite you in, you are not coming out any way other way than a body bag if I get the draw on you.


Criminals need to understand this, maybe they would stop and think about it before coming in and thinking "meh, I just want the HDTV. No big deal." When they figure out damn I may lose my life for that TV, they may think, "Man that's last years model, I ain't gonna get killed for last years 60hz POS. :D

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Please post your address and times when nobody will be home. Also, where do you keep your tools and ammunition? :D:D

Well, maybe I left that a little more open ended than I intended.


I guess the scenario I'm thinking of is if someone breaks into my house late at night I plan to be on the phone with 911 right away and will not be confronting them unless they start to come upstairs (all bedrooms are upstairs). I'd rather have them caught than killed, but I don't think I'd have a problem arranging the latter if they insist.


On the other hand I could use some new tools. PMing address and times when unlawful pickup can be made.



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Fuck that, you enter my house and I didn't invite you in, you are not coming out any way other way than a body bag if I get the draw on you.


Criminals need to understand this, maybe they would stop and think about it before coming in and thinking "meh, I just want the HDTV. No big deal." When they figure out damn I may lose my life for that TV, they may think, "Man that's last years model, I ain't gonna get killed for last years 60hz POS. :D


Seriously. Nobody in their right mind would enter someone else's house if they were pretty sure they'd be shot and killed. Instant drop in robbery, If only I didn't have to go to work during the daytime...

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Fuck that, you enter my house and I didn't invite you in, you are not coming out any way other way than a body bag if I get the draw on you.


Criminals need to understand this, maybe they would stop and think about it before coming in and thinking "meh, I just want the HDTV. No big deal." When they figure out damn I may lose my life for that TV, they may think, "Man that's last years model, I ain't gonna get killed for last years 60hz POS. :D


I can certainly see your point. I guess the only reason I choose the slightly more reserved way of thinking in this case (I usually don't) is that if that sort of thing goes down (BG gets killed) you're likely going to be instantly scrutinized for any wrong-doing as though you're the criminal. Then you have the probability of scumbag's family starting a civil suit. Sure, I'd gladly go through all that if I feel like it may have saved my life of one of my loved ones, but I don't think I like my TV quite that much. I'll get a new one.


Who knows though, I may react totally different if the time comes. I tend to be a little trigger-happy so maybe if I was truly scared I might be less level headed than I thought.

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I believe Castle law bars all civil actions by family from the house owner also.


Could be, I haven't read the specifics of what they passed here. It varies state to state. Based on other Ohio laws I'm sure we have some retarded limitations sprinkled in there.

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I believe Castle law bars all civil actions by family from the house owner also.


I was pretty sure it also removes the burden of proof from the homeowner, and places it on the prosecution (you know, like most laws). You used to have to prove you COULD NOT retreat in order to justify a shooting. Now you don't. Yes, the civil liability is a HUGE deal though, since bad guys typically have poor worthless gold-digging families.

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