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Seriously, fuck global warming

Science Abuse

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While major news agencies are foaming over "climat egate", we've all be missing out on shit like this:





That is some Captain Planet villain shit right there. I'm sure those people don't give two fucks about carbon emissions.

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no one wants to see toxic waste dumped on poor coutries. However, that doesnt prove global warming is real.


If all those "chicken little Al Gores" in Copenhagen believed half of what they were shoving down our throats, they would have met via video conference.

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no one wants to see toxic waste dumped on poor coutries. However, that doesnt prove global warming is real.


See.... this is entirely missing the point of the posting. :lol:


The point is that the argument of man-made global warming is entirely irrelevant, and the argument is distracting us from the real problems.


People arguing for and agaist man-made global warming are idiots, because there is entirely too much data to ever be compiled into one definitive Yes or No. It's all statistics, and statistics are made to be skewed.

It's entirely a political issue, as both side can never proove they are right. It's brought up by people who love to argue.


-Emissions do need to be cut, because that shit is making us sick NOW. Not because it might flood the world in 20 year.

-Restrictions on pollutants need to be made more strict because it's effecting our quality of life NOW, not because of what it may or may not do to life later.


But no, you don't hear about any of the real, proven science that says we need to clean up, because there's no money to be made off of it. No one wants to give grants to places that do non-global warming related environmental research, because there's no political capital in it. It's that fucking simple.

So as our proverbial ship is sinking, the people in charge are arguing over the color of the iceberg and doing nothing to stop the damned leak!

While you, the news, and our elected offials bitch and moan over some assholes emails, the waters are being poised, the skies are being choked, and our natural resources are being raped and squandered.


Global warming isn;t a debate, it's an idustry. It's not Science anymore, it's a reality show.

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See.... this is entirely missing the point of the posting. :lol:


The point is that the argument of man-made global warming is entirely irrelevant, and the argument is distracting us from the real problems.


People arguing for and agaist man-made global warming are idiots, because there is entirely too much data to ever be compiled into one definitive Yes or No. It's all statistics, and statistics are made to be skewed.

It's entirely a political issue, as both side can never proove they are right. It's brought up by people who love to argue.


-Emissions do need to be cut, because that shit is making us sick NOW. Not because it might flood the world in 20 year.

-Restrictions on pollutants need to be made more strict because it's effecting our quality of life NOW, not because of what it may or may not do to life later.


But no, you don't hear about any of the real, proven science that says we need to clean up, because there's no money to be made off of it. No one wants to give grants to places that do non-global warming related environmental research, because there's no political capital in it. It's that fucking simple.

So as our proverbial ship is sinking, the people in charge are arguing over the color of the iceberg and doing nothing to stop the damned leak!

While you, the news, and our elected offials bitch and moan over some assholes emails, the waters are being poised, the skies are being choked, and our natural resources are being raped and squandered.


Global warming isn;t a debate, it's an idustry. It's not Science anymore, it's a reality show.





I cant + rep you anymore

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Please do me a favor and stop +Repping and complimentng me. Just pass this on. Write your congressman, scrawl it into a baseball bad and go about impringting foreheads.....



I've really got to compliment you on this post. I will do so by +repping you.



Also, lacking a baseball bat, will a sack full of inscribed doorknobs suffice ?

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See.... this is entirely missing the point of the posting. :lol:





-Emissions do need to be cut, because that shit is making us sick NOW. Not because it might flood the world in 20 year.

-Restrictions on pollutants need to be made more strict because it's effecting our quality of life NOW, not because of what it may or may not do to life later.



I'm not sick. Are you sick? If someone is sick, is it because of emissions or improper disposal of toxic material? Your conclusion sounds like it will kill what little jobs that are remaining.



Global warming isn;t a debate, it's an idustry. It's not Science anymore, it's a reality show.





Sorry, maybe you should have specified "man made" in your thread title?


I'm not sick. Are you sick? If someone is sick, is it because of emissions or improper disposal of toxic material? Your conclusion sounds like it will kill what little jobs that are remaining.

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Your conclusion sounds like it will kill what little jobs that are remaining.

Gutless debate tactic, and entirely false. The introduction of the automobile killed horsebreeding and carriage building. Should we have prevented that from happening?


As long as there is a demand for energy, there will be an energy industry. There will be a demand for vehicles, no matter what you produce. I seriously doubt that the production of electricity employs that many people to begine with, and there can only be more jobs created by doing a change-over:

-People need to build the turbines and Nuke plants (yes, nukes).

-People need to tear down the cola plants.

-People need to build engines, because people need get around.


In point of fact, your stance is actually COSTING more jobs than anything else is right now: From the day it opens to the day it closes, a factory seeks efficiency. Over the decades these operations have been trimmed down to teh bare minimum of employees the increase the profits of the company.


The longer they are unchanged, the more efficient they become, and the less people they employ.


These lazy bastards have been holding the economic gun to our heads for the last half century: "MESS WITH MY LUNCH, AND I'LL BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF". If we mess with their bottom line, they'll but more workers on the dole. have you not realized that they DO IT ANYWAY?


If the coming changes actually DO lead to a loss of jobs, it is entirely the fault of the industries that are unable to adapt. It is those cowards who are arguing against environmental legislation and against new energy forms, and you're listening to them. You're fighting for nothing more than their retirement, and in return you're getting sick grandkids.


I'm not sick. Are you sick?
Are you serious? Did you just take the platform; "If it's not happening to me, it's not happening at all"?

To answer your question: Emissions ARE an improper disposal of toxic material.

Feeling confident? I invite you to feed some good'ol Ohio River Catfish to you pregnant loved ones, do it once a week. Not going to do it? Why not?


Ok, because catfish tastes like shit, but if it didn't...?

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Ok, because catfish tastes like shit, but if it didn't...?


Fuck that, catfish is delicious. I will take you up on your catfish dietary challenge, I've been needing to grow another arm anyway. Fapping and interwebbing would be far easier.

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Gutless debate tactic, and entirely false. The introduction of the automobile killed horsebreeding and carriage building. Should we have prevented that from happening?


As long as there is a demand for energy, there will be an energy industry. There will be a demand for vehicles, no matter what you produce. I seriously doubt that the production of electricity employs that many people to begine with, and there can only be more jobs created by doing a change-over:

-People need to build the turbines and Nuke plants (yes, nukes).

-People need to tear down the cola plants.

-People need to build engines, because people need get around.


In point of fact, your stance is actually COSTING more jobs than anything else is right now: From the day it opens to the day it closes, a factory seeks efficiency. Over the decades these operations have been trimmed down to teh bare minimum of employees the increase the profits of the company.


The longer they are unchanged, the more efficient they become, and the less people they employ.


These lazy bastards have been holding the economic gun to our heads for the last half century: "MESS WITH MY LUNCH, AND I'LL BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF". If we mess with their bottom line, they'll but more workers on the dole. have you not realized that they DO IT ANYWAY?


If the coming changes actually DO lead to a loss of jobs, it is entirely the fault of the industries that are unable to adapt. It is those cowards who are arguing against environmental legislation and against new energy forms, and you're listening to them. You're fighting for nothing more than their retirement, and in return you're getting sick grandkids.


Are you serious? Did you just take the platform; "If it's not happening to me, it's not happening at all"?

To answer your question: Emissions ARE an improper disposal of toxic material.

Feeling confident? I invite you to feed some good'ol Ohio River Catfish to you pregnant loved ones, do it once a week. Not going to do it? Why not?


Ok, because catfish tastes like shit, but if it didn't...?


Actually, the only thing COSTING jobs is the adminstration you so adamantly backed last year.

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When all fails, blame Obama



Truth hurts...its not an Obama bashing thread, its reality. Jobs are not being created because the culture is not conducive for growth.


If you were a small biz, would you want to hire KNOWING this abortion of a health care bill is going to cost you money?


If you were a small biz, would you want to hire KNOWING cap and trade will raise your energy costs anywhere from 20-75%?


If you were a small biz, would you want to hire KNOWING new taxes are inevitable because of the INSANE deficits being run up by this administration?


SO YES, Obama has failed and I will blame him.

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BTW Eric, more people die each year from obesity related illness than inhaling your dreaded emissions.


Why dont you go picket outside your local Burger King, you might do more good than posting your sob story drivel on a car forum. :)

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Actually, the only thing COSTING jobs is the adminstration you so adamantly backed last year.


BWAHAHAHAHA!! Way to go, Baseless Blanket statement! I can't imagine the size of the ass from which your numbers were pulled. Oh wait, yes I can, was it as big as his?



-Cap and trade to create energy cost increases as high as 75%? You know where that number came from? The above mentioned fella's with the guns to your head, and you've got Stockholm Syndrome. They are threatening you with that to keep you from messing with their bonuses. These people need to clean their shit up, and it needs to eat into their massive profits. If you see energy increases of 75% anywhere, I guarantee you there will be riots.


Do you have any idea how manufacturing works? Job growth is crap because all business owners have their asshole clinched tight in the wake of the recession that your boys did everything they could to put off until after the election. The administration took measures to ensure those asshats didn't go under, but now that many are leveling out and posting a few profits, they're STILL not hiring. Why? Because they're making money in their current state and they're not going to change that.

All a president can do is ask them "please to start hiring peeplez?".


Question: If you were a small business, would you hire ANYONE in an environment where people are stingy with their money? Hell no, you need demand before you can produce supply. News flash, there are mechanisms within the health care legislation the help small buisness owners cover their few employees. What you've bought into, again, is the BS from the guys with the guns to your head. "Do anything to mess with our profits, and I'll shoot the bunny in the head." Small buisness owners aren't leading the charge with your argument, Wal Mart is. Large companies with thousands of employees that can afford to treat them decent. Things are top heavy, its Pareto distribution (though worse then he had envisioned), and that is a major problem that gets people called "commie".

Fact: Conservatives are always pining about the good 'ol boom days of the 50s when things were great "cuz Christians were in charge."

Fact: Back in those days, the Factory Worker, Bank Manager, Buisness owner all lived on the same block, because they all made about the same amount of money. Back in the "good ol days", upper management positions made much much less.


I don't picket Burger King because people choose to put that shit in their bodies. When discussing "environmental issues", we're talking about the stuff that surrounds us on a daily basis... you know, our environment.

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