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snowboard guys


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We are taking the family to snowtrails here soon and I have never been to one of these places. Our sons want to rent snowboards. My question is do they need special boots? Are these included with rentals? Thanks


Snow trails includes everything you will need in the rental. Should be a good time...even if it is ohio :rolleyes: haha

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It is a pretty nice place... And yes boots and board are included... I am not sure as snowtrails but I think most rental boards are step ins.. I don not like this kind as the bindings to not have a calf support so it is a little harder to ride those boards esp if you dont know how to ride yet...


If they are planning on riding more then say three times buy a board and bindings and they will pay for themselfs...


I just got a new burtin board likst was 300 I got it for 160 at dicks last sunday... It was marked at 250 rang up for 238 and rang up 33 percent off... just FYI

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yeah, the rental boots and boards are kinda weird, they have like two metal tabs on teh sides of the boot that click into the board. Definitely not as stable feeling as the usual bindings. Its also easy for snow to get compacted into the rental binding.


but yeah, they work, should be a good time. I'm planning on going up as well during my time off.

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I say snowtrails is better. Just my personal opinion. A lot more fun, and I had lessons at both places, the instructor at Mad River was the biggest asshole I'd ever met in my life, and the one at Snowtrails was awesome. He still helps me out anytime I go up there.
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I say snowtrails is better. Just my personal opinion. A lot more fun, and I had lessons at both places, the instructor at Mad River was the biggest asshole I'd ever met in my life, and the one at Snowtrails was awesome. He still helps me out anytime I go up there.


Agreed Snow trails is way better....

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Snow trails sucks its just a straight line down no curves it sucks ass I would not recomend going there


Mad river sucks but atleast there trails wind an turn. I went the snow trails once it was that bad


An yes places that rent. U get the board boots an bindings


I would highly recommend going to mad river over snow trails

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Snowtails simply was not fun for me. Very little natural terrain and as it was said, it's just strait.


I teach snowboard lessons at mad river and for Ohio, I like it better and it's close. I can say tht mad river dropped a ton of $ on new boards and boot to get away from the step in pain in the ass.

I'll be up there Saturday and Sunday. I can get your family some free lessons and if I'm there when you are I'll work with you myself. I've been riding for 20 yrs and still like seeing people learn to ride.


As for the asshole instructor at mad river, I guess that could happen at any mountain. It good you found someone you can learn from though.

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You drive a Volkswagen, and thus have no valid opinion.


Here have some sources :)






In November 2009, Volkswagen-Porsche overtook Toyota to become the world's largest car manufacturer in terms of production.




VW=3, Toyota=0



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Pwned! :asshole:


Mad river rents snowboards, USED to be $40, about 10 years ago for the board and boots. They'll probably be falling on their wrists and butts a ton, so take some pads and thick gloves or something. Don't want little kiddies getting hurt.

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I feel special you went to the extra effort for me, but I was referring to the fact that you like men, and thus your opinion cannot be trusted.

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Snowtails simply was not fun for me. Very little natural terrain and as it was said, it's just strait.


I teach snowboard lessons at mad river and for Ohio, I like it better and it's close. I can say tht mad river dropped a ton of $ on new boards and boot to get away from the step in pain in the ass.

I'll be up there Saturday and Sunday. I can get your family some free lessons and if I'm there when you are I'll work with you myself. I've been riding for 20 yrs and still like seeing people learn to ride.


As for the asshole instructor at mad river, I guess that could happen at any mountain. It good you found someone you can learn from though.

If timing was better, and it may be in the future, I would love to take you up on this. BUt my niece is coming in from town and the whole family is getting together for a ski day. My dad took my kids sledding at snowtrails 2 years ago and he enjoyed it. Once he make sup his mind on a place, thats it. Change scares old people lol. It will be my 15 and 11 year olds first time on snowboards, however they have both skateboarded for years and I think that should help a little. I am sure the boards that snowtrails has will be good enough for first timers and if in the future they enjoy it, I will look into getting them their own stuff. Thanks for the input guys.

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If timing was better, and it may be in the future, I would love to take you up on this. BUt my niece is coming in from town and the whole family is getting together for a ski day. My dad took my kids sledding at snowtrails 2 years ago and he enjoyed it. Once he make sup his mind on a place, thats it. Change scares old people lol. It will be my 15 and 11 year olds first time on snowboards, however they have both skateboarded for years and I think that should help a little. I am sure the boards that snowtrails has will be good enough for first timers and if in the future they enjoy it, I will look into getting them their own stuff. Thanks for the input guys.





No he was saying you can rent stuff from Aspen Ski and board instead of Mansfield.


I would check to see if there is a 1st time lesson the whole family could do if more than your sons are snowboarding get them pointed in the right direction.


Props to you sir for being a sweet dad and taking them:bangbang:


I think they will like it just tell them it will be like writing with your opposite hand for the first hour.

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No he was saying you can rent stuff from Aspen Ski and board instead of Mansfield.


I would check to see if there is a 1st time lesson the whole family could do if more than your sons are snowboarding get them pointed in the right direction.


Props to you sir for being a sweet dad and taking them:bangbang:


I think they will like it just tell them it will be like writing with your opposite hand for the first hour.

I meant as far as taking him up on his offer for hooking us up at mad river. I dont want to hassle with going to a ski shop and then returning them.

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