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Anyone else see it in 3d today? HOLY SHIT my junk is still tingling from this. It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I will pay to see this again. It's a visual treat and the three hours passes really quickly because it is just non stop cgi porn. I can't recommend this movie enough. Just amazing.


I agree with you 100%!!!!! Movie is unreal!!!!

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If you look past the (very awesome) cgi you get some preachy snorefest.


Somewhat agree, as much as I liked the graphics, it was hard to get past the holier-than-thou typical lib-tard hollywood plot.


I know the message they were trying to send, but I cannot get on-board with it.

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Somewhat agree, as much as I liked the graphics, it was hard to get past the holier-than-thou typical lib-tard hollywood plot.


I know the message they were trying to send, but I cannot get on-board with it.


That's basically EXACTLY what the previews lead me to suspect. I'm not going to bother seeing it because they give away the story in the previews. Cliche.

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this looks like a live-action version of a movie released a year or so ago called Battle For Terra

unoriginal/knockoff? hell yes

do i still wanna watch it? hell yes


James Cameron has had this plot in his head for like, 10+ years. He's just been waiting for production/CGI technology to get to where he wanted it to be, so he could make it.

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I heard a few critics referred to it as dances with wolves in space. Pretty freakin accurate.


A few guys I work with said they couldn't get into the plot bc of the spiritual aspect and the whole 'save the earth crap'. I about hit the ground. These guys are so conservative that they couldn't get into the movie? I wanted to look over and ask them if the story would have been better if this ALIEN RACE on ANOTHER PLANET would have been christian????

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I thought this movie was one of the best movies I've ever

seen. Anybody else feel that they're life was insignificant

after watching this movie? Makes me wanna just live

off the land. P.S. I'd hook up with that main girl in a

heartbeat lol


Zoe Saldana HELL YEA...I think her and MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ played the shit out of that MOVIE real talk. I would want to live their life if I could.

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I saw it last night. Very possibly the best movie I've ever seen, and i'm probably going to catch it again this weekend.

I mean really, WTF is with tards downing a movie they haven't even seen, because they make some speculation based on reviews they read or the movie trailer.


I will be seeing it again, in IMAX 3D, with my wife once she gets back to town on the 30th (she wants to see it too).

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I mean really, WTF is with tards downing a movie they haven't even seen, because they make some speculation based on reviews they read or the movie trailer.


I will be seeing it again, in IMAX 3D, with my wife once she gets back to town on the 30th (she wants to see it too).


Ahh, I thought you were directing that last comment at me and Jones.

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Movie was awesome. I have been mislead in the past by the crowds on movies i heard were 'awesome' (Sin City sucks I don't care what anyone says). This movie is well worth it. I went with the parents and saw it in non-3D because my dad supposedly would get dizzy. I will see it again in 3D this time.
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Just saw it.


Plotline was utterly predictable from 2 minutes in. Cliche and borrowed and old.


And the morality play was heavyhanded and childish.


But nonetheless I had fun for the whole movie and will go again. Good movie.



........The blue chicks needed bigger boobs though.

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