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Got rearended on 70 last wednesday, answer some things for me....


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Last wednesday around 4:30 I was going down 70E, trying get off on 33. Anybody from the east side knows how that lane basically stops around rush hour. Well I was in the truck, either barely moving or stopped, and a Corolla hit the Saturn Vue behind me HARD, and then the Saturn hit me. I was in the Dakota, and it was a pretty solid hit, but it only did a little bit of visible damage to the bumper and tailgate. I swapped insurance info with the two other parties, and a police report was filed, blah blah blah.


Thursday the corolla's insurance calls me, as they've been cited, and says go get an estimate for the damage, fax it over, and they'll send a check. I did that, and it totalled to just over $900 in bodywork. If that's what I end up getting, I have no intention of using it for bodywork, but instead fixing a minor oil leak, and replacing the power steering pump. I just want the damn thing to keep running for me, as I need it all winter.


Last night though, on Polaris parkway it started something odd. When stopped or just barely crawling along, there is an obvious and constant ( although not patterned, somewhat random ) "hit" or knock. I can't tell if it's just a miss, or if it's the transmission giving a kick.


It ONLY does it when in gear, and it does it both hot and cold. My thought was first that it's a transmission issue, but it could I guess be a miss too as there's likely enough load from being in gear to cause it...


I have no idea, and I don't really feel like being rear-ended could directly cause a transmission problem, but the things got a ton of miles on it and it's been just fine up to this point. I would almost feel dirty trying to get insurance to deal with it, but really it's odd timing the way the little issue coincides with the accident. I'm second guessing whether I should cash the check ( which closes the claim ), or bring it up with them.


Any opinions? I'm not sure what to do, but I know I can't afford to replace a transmission right now.

Edited by spankis
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I skimmed your post.... You don't have to use the check for the repairs, you can do what ever you want with the money. The insurance company doesn't care what you do with it. Also you can tell the adjuster that you feel alright now but you would like at least $1000 to cover future medical bills caused by the accident. Might be able to get more might get a little less but you will get something. I got both the wife and myself a grand each by doing this after we got rear ended in London.
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Well since your stating your not sure instead of claiming you know the accident caused additional damage leads me to believe your not nor have any intentions in committing fraud. You are the victim and entitled to compensation or at least peace of mind that the accident didnt cause additional damage. I would tell the insurance company that you think something else may have been damaged do to the relations of the accident coinciding with the noise. Have it checked out and tell the place who inspects it what happened and see if they find tale tell signs of damage directed from the accident. If they do find damage they can explain it to the insurance company in terms of why they feel the damage was caused by the accident. If they find nothing, well no harm no foul. At least then you know instead of kicking yourself down the road. Trust me, I know it doesnt feel like your the victem necessarily, but you are and that entitles you to things. If nothing else, peace of mind.
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Thanks for the replies, but please keep them coming. I'm stuck between feeling like I'm entitled to compensation, but not wanting to contribute to already rampant insurance fraud.... if that makes any sense.


I applaud your concerns, but in the end you're the only one looking out for you. The insurance co. doesn't want to give you a dime and believe me, they are making money. Get the car looked at by 3 different shops so not only you can have peace of mind regarding the tranny, but if they say yes, it could have been caused by the accident, then you have multiple quotes to present to the insurance co.

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1. I agree its going to be hard to get the ins co to handle the transmission. they will be willing to check it but your going to have to sign a auth to tear down and if not related you would be on the hook for the tear down cost. not worth it with that many miles on the veh.

2. def have more than one shop look at it, and send the ins your highest est. also have the shops put on lift to see if any visable dmg to the undercariage. and you can use the money for whatever you want.

3. claim a inj, tell them you were sore but hate er and drs and would just like compensated for your inconvienace. they will give you 500-1000 to go away....

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ANYTHING you think could have been caused by the accident, bring it up. None of this is your fault. You're just trying to get everything back to the way it was before someone hit you. None of this is your fault, so get every little thing looked at or fixed. Don't let the adjuster boss you around, you're the boss and you tell them what you want to happen and if they don't like it (which they won't) tell them you need time to think about all this or just give them your attorney's phone number. They will REALLY hate that. All they want to do is get this case closed as fast as possible.

Don't feel like your screwing over the insurance company, you're just getting what is coming to you. Trust me they do the same thing.....


And that $1000 for future possible medical bills is no bullshit and will net you around a grand.

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So, I called the insurance guy this afternoon just to make them aware of the problem, and he told me just to take it somewhere and if it was determined to be caused from the accident they would cover it. So I guess that's what I'll do... The next issue I'm sure will be having to drop the transmission to even determine anything, and how that will be resolved.


Such shit.


The insurance company is "western reserve" if that means anything to anybody.

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I almost thought this would have been the perfect opportunity for me to try and sell my 1g VR4 bumper...oh well...good luck.


Might still be if it's in good shape. Replacement stuff is getting hard to find. Front or rear?


im sure it can be written in the invoice , to where they will cover it.


drive line shock can/will cause internal transmission issues


If I bring it by there after work can you feel what it's doing for me? I'm interested in what you think, I don't think it's a miss at all anymore....

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Might still be if it's in good shape. Replacement stuff is getting hard to find. Front or rear?


Rear. Its in good shape, I took it off cause someone back into me in a parking lot so I got a 2G bumper. But where it got hit it just left a little black line that could probably buff out, and it bent the support bracket which I think I already bent back. I havent looked at the thing in years. I do also have almost everything needed to do a turbo swap and some other random vr4 parts laying around that I no longer need. You are welcome to come and take a look at it sometime, I'd probably just give away most of it anyway.

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So, I called the insurance guy this afternoon just to make them aware of the problem, and he told me just to take it somewhere and if it was determined to be caused from the accident they would cover it. So I guess that's what I'll do... The next issue I'm sure will be having to drop the transmission to even determine anything, and how that will be resolved.


Such shit.


The insurance company is "western reserve" if that means anything to anybody.


man I would take avd of that. have rob or whoever write up an est saying the impact knocked something loose or something. if they are not going to investigate anything, take avd of it. sounds like they just want documentation of the dmg.

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