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WinXP on USB


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i have a version of xp stripped down to run on a usb stick, used it for a while its easy to do. Just put files on usb stick and boot off of it. Let me know if you need the files I think i have them on my server somewhere.


This is exactly what i need. I am attempting to repair my dads netbook, but i dont have an external hard drive to hook up, so usb-boot is my only option.

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Oh! The OP is asking for a flash drive with Windows XP installed and running off of it? The utility I posted only creates a flash drive from which you can install Windows XP, which isn't the same thing.


Thanks for trying :D

I cant believe after this long, its still such an undaunting task to do this..

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Try Linux.


Install Ubuntu Live to a cd, then you can boot it from the cd without installing anything to the hard drive. Or, once you have booted up on a different computer, it has a program that creates a bootable Linux thumb drive. It's also become simple enough that if you are decent with Windows, you can figure it out well enough to retrieve files or whatever it is you are looking to do.

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