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I'll try and summerize this story as much as possible. Bought a XD-9 subcompact for my brother's christmas present last Wed. I was explicite with the saleman (chuck) in asking the terms of their return policy. He simply said "since its a christmas gift we offer up to 1 week to return the item, any other time its only 24hrs. However there is a 15% restocking fee". Ok fair enough, if worse comes to worse I'll eat 15%.


Fastforward and my liberal-hippie sister in law shits a brick when she see's my brothers gift and all but demands he returns it. I told him I didnt want to cause any un-needed drama to we'll return it and i'll throw in half for a new laptop for him. Get to the store Saturday and the only return policy they do have is a joke, a store credit for the price of the gun?! No 'buy back' offer, no full return and refund, hell they didnt even offer to put the gun on Consignment!? They said i could have a store credit in the form of a gift card. WOW. I know this place does a rediculous amount of business and all but has the whole market to themselves in northern columbus but does this seem a bit strange? Is this how most gun stores operate? I wouldve even been ok with just paying the 15% bullshit restocking fee or hell even putting it up on Consignment and getting less of what the gun was worth. Has anyone else had problem's with Vances or am I the only one?

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thats how i've always known it to be. and not to sound like a dick, but i think you should be happy they offer a return at all...taking back something like a gun that has left their store could be a huge liability. how do they know you didnt take it out and try to do something to it and fuck it up, next guy goes and shoots it, and it blows up and does serious damage? not saying this is the reason for the store credit, just that you're lucky they offered it at all
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thats how i've always known it to be. and not to sound like a dick, but i think you should be happy they offer a return at all...taking back something like a gun that has left their store could be a huge liability. how do they know you didnt take it out and try to do something to it and fuck it up, next guy goes and shoots it, and it blows up and does serious damage? not saying this is the reason for the store credit, just that you're lucky they offered it at all


No they were very serious that it could not have been used/fired AT ALL and the case has to be complete with every piece of paperwork etc... Obviously I understood their stance on it. I explained it was to be a gift but there was a slight chance it would have to be returned. I never acted like this was a pair of jeans that i bought at wal-mart, its a weapon that could have serious implication's should it be damaged then returned. Besides if you saw the gun, it was/is as immaculate as the day i bought it there's no way it has been used and or fired in anyway.

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No they were very serious that it could not have been used/fired AT ALL and the case has to be complete with every piece of paperwork etc... Obviously I understood their stance on it. I explained it was to be a gift but there was a slight chance it would have to be returned. I never acted like this was a pair of jeans that i bought at wal-mart, its a weapon that could have serious implication's should it be damaged then returned. Besides if you saw the gun, it was/is as immaculate as the day i bought it there's no way it has been used and or fired in anyway.



You could have used it to hold up the 5 & 10 and never fired a shot. How the fuck do they know?

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You could have used it to hold up the 5 & 10 and never fired a shot. How the fuck do they know?


If i never fired a shot, and didnt get caught, what would it matter?


Regardless, evan as you were saying i told him to man-up but she gave him a wives 'ultimatum', one of those "you know how i feel but im not going to tell you what to do, etc..." even my girl was like "why is she acting so childish about the whole thing?" I just rolled my eyes and said we could take it back.

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If i never fired a shot, and didnt get caught, what would it matter?



A firearm used in the commission of a felony, yeah, what's the big deal?


Gimme a break, you're smarter than that comment.

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If they stated a 1-week, 15% fee return policy, then fuck them for not honoring it.


Call back and ask for a manager?


How are they not honoring it?


They never said anything about a refund, they told him he could return it.

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How are they not honoring it?


They never said anything about a refund, they told him he could return it.


Gimme a break; you're smarter than that comment. :)


I assume their gift card offer was for the full amount.


If not, I will still be leaving in 2 minutes to do snow-do-nuts, :)

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How are they not honoring it?


They never said anything about a refund, they told him he could return it.


c'mon your smarter than that comment ;)


Honestly though, if a salemen simply says, "yes we have a return policy but we charge 15% restocking fee", would you automatically assume "well i can take it back but they wont give me a refund and in addition to that id have to PAY THEM an extra 15% just to take it back, sounds like a deal to me"?


As for using a gun to commit a felony, i know how wrong that is but if your the vendor who sold the weapon how would you know one way or the other unless the gun was fired? Nevermind the fact that thats completely off topic because its obviously not the case here.

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Gimme a break; you're smarter than that comment. :)


I assume their gift card offer was for the full amount.


If not, I will still be leaving in 2 minutes to do snow-do-nuts, :)


Smarter than that comment? Give me a break. Why would the store credit be for the full amount when they stated returns would have a 15% restocking fee?


Anyways, most of the return policies have to do with the FFL record keeping laws.

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c'mon your smarter than that comment ;)


Honestly though, if a salemen simply says, "yes we have a return policy but we charge 15% restocking fee", would you automatically assume "well i can take it back but they wont give me a refund and in addition to that id have to PAY THEM an extra 15% just to take it back, sounds like a deal to me"?

Because that is Vance's return policy for guns. YOU should have asked them to specify.


As for using a gun to commit a felony, i know how wrong that is but if []your the vendor who sold the weapon how would you know one way or the other unless the gun was fired?[/b] Nevermind the fact that thats completely off topic because its obviously not the case here.


point proven. How would they know? Hence the return policy of usually 24 hours and store credit. It's so someone won't buy a gun, use it to hold up a store, then return it to get their money back. Let's not mention the FFL record keeping laws

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Smarter than that comment? Give me a break. Why would the store credit be for the full amount when they stated returns would have a 15% restocking fee?


Anyways, most of the return policies have to do with the FFL record keeping laws.


Eh Im not really buying the excuse that their federal ledger has to be balanced in that aspect, they were more than happy to take it back (and therefore putting it BACK in their ledger) and giving me a store credit. This is obviously a store policy of simply not giving up a sale after its done.

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Because that is Vance's return policy for guns. YOU should have asked them to specify.


I DID ASK THEM TO SPECIFY BEFORE BUYING THE GUN LJ! I dont know if maybe the salemen was working off commission but there was obvious side-stepping in saying that ACTUAL MONEY would be put back on my credit card in the event of a return.

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I DID ASK THEM TO SPECIFY BEFORE BUYING THE GUN LJ! I dont know if maybe the salemen was working off commission but there was obvious side-stepping in saying that ACTUAL MONEY would be put back on my credit card in the event of a return.


Vance's salesmen do not work on commission, never have.


You obviously didn't have them specify that you would get a refund. Not very many people buy a gun then want to return it with a refund, most want to buy a gun, and will exchange it for another one because they don't want the one they bought.


I've provided some simple reasons as to why, and I can understand that you are pissed, but seriously, maybe you should have checked before buying a gun.

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so how much you wanting out of it?


Ha, well my brother finally did grow some balls and simply said "Im not going to make my brother eat 480$ and took it back. Im not complaining about the gun or even the price which was more than fair. And XD9 subcompact with a tac light and all the "XD gear" shit they sell was 449.99, plus a box of hollow points it all came to $480ish.


As for now I have the gun in my closet waiting for my brother to come over and take it back. Obviously there's no way i will/ would even be able to return the item now so if he doesnt want it I might sell it or look for a trade.

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use the gun to shoot the sister in law and then you won't need to return it ;)


HA! I wish it was that easy but my brother is kind of attached to her by now. She's just so damn blind in her liberal mindset that she flat out refuse's to listen to common sense or heaven forbid anyone else's opinion on the matter. She honestly told him (weeks before i gave him the gift) "if you want it you can have it but your getting rid of it when we have a baby" does that make any sense? If your going to have a small child if ANYTHING thats when you would want to protect your family the most. Her logic is obviously flawed but again refuse's to admit it.


Flybye, as for what we're doing with the gun now. I thought of just getting the store credit on a gift card and selling it on here or to someone local but my brother didnt want me to lose any money on the whole exchange (which no doubt would have happened) so he took the gun back home but like i said its waiting in my closet as we speak.

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