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WTB:: XBOX 360 games

Guest JCroz91

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Guest JCroz91
  bigflee said:
How much is Xbox live?? I just got a ps3 and love how its free to play online.


iv heard from a lot of ppl that PSN is going to start charging to play online soon

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  JCroz91 said:
iv heard from a lot of ppl that PSN is going to start charging to play online soon

PSN that is out now will still be free with all the same stuff. There will be a upgraded psn that will comes out next year that you can apy for.

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  DrinkItDown said:
A 1 year live card starts at $36 on amazon.



I just bought a year of Live for 29.95 !!! Woohoo ! Just got to look for the right deal. Live is far superior to PSN when it comes to setting up games, messaging, partying, and since voice chat is standard easier to communicate. (for better or worse). PSN would have to standardize those features to make me consider paying for that too.


I have a couple games I'd part with.


Assassins Creed 2: $30.00


Dragon Age Origins: $30.00


Crackdown or Forza 2 $10.00


PGR3 free with any 2 above purchases.

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Guest JCroz91
  sol740 said:
I just bought a year of Live for 29.95 !!! Woohoo ! Just got to look for the right deal. Live is far superior to PSN when it comes to setting up games, messaging, partying, and since voice chat is standard easier to communicate. (for better or worse). PSN would have to standardize those features to make me consider paying for that too.


I have a couple games I'd part with.


Assassins Creed 2: $30.00


Dragon Age Origins: $30.00


Crackdown or Forza 2 $10.00


PGR3 free with any 2 above purchases.



i might grab forza 2 off u.

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  04SRTurbo said:
Buy fz3 you will not be dissapointed at all ask ur boy friend cam disclaimer:not tryung to block the sale from rob i love reob ..but u need forza 3


Was that suppose to be funny..............

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Guest JCroz91
  04SRTurbo said:
Buy fz3 you will not be dissapointed at all ask ur boy friend cam disclaimer:not tryung to block the sale from rob i love reob ..but u need forza 3


iv heard good things about 3. but if i can pay like $10 for 2. ill get it for now. and pay for 3 later.

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  JCroz91 said:
also looking for HDMI cables. let me know


Look on slickdeals.net and wait for a deal. I just got two 6 foot HDMI's sent for $6.00 with free s/h. Best deal i've scene on them really. Funny thing I scene the same exact cable brand and everything at best buy for $29.99 EACH cable. Ridiculous, and Im sure people pay it too.

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