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To our lovable gang of 'Busa mounted members


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Unlike some other boards ( :lol: ) I do not and will never read PMs. There is a plugin required to do so and I will never even install it. I find it morally wrong to read something marked as "private".

Too bad all board owners don't share your morals/ethics on this matter Ben...Especially those who supposedly claim to be "family friendly" boards! ;)

Of course, I'll bet a guy who would sneak & go through someone else's "supposedly" private email on his "supposedly" family friendly website/forum, is the same type of guy who would stalk...errmmm....I mean "circle" around a person in a gas station while they were completely oblivious he was even there, secretly watching me....errmmm....I mean "them" :rolleyes:

Guess I must be fascinating to watch fill a tank :D


Edited by Fonzie
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Too bad all board owners don't share your morals/ethics on this matter Ben...Especially those who supposedly claim to be "family friendly" boards! ;)

Of course, I'll bet a guy who would sneak & go through someone else's "supposedly" private email on his "supposedly" family friendly website/forum, is the same type of guy who would stalk...errmmm....I mean "circle" around a person in a gas station while they were completely oblivious he was even there, secretly watching me....errmmm....I mean "them" :rolleyes:

Guess I must be fascinating to watch fill a tank :D

I get the impression that you liked to be watched.... :fruit:

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I must say that I have not seen a more passionate group of riders this side of a bar and shield, minus a ton of oil stains. Props for your steadfast loyalty to your machine, and your defense of it in the face of undue criticism. And, like most of us two-wheel mounted knuckleheads, you take the obvious good natured ribbing in stride. Kind of the reason we all gravitate here. We're all cut from the same cloth. However it is inevitable that in this virtual biker bar hangout of ours, we encounter someone who has either endured what they feel is more than their fair share of goofing, or maybe just had a bad day. Their skin is a bit thin, and they let something blurted in a little grey box get their thong in a knot. Eh, it happens. We're all entitled to our moments. So you shout back in the box things about someone's mother or sister, or how another rider might be more comfortable on their chosen machine were it not for a colon full of suffocated gerbils. Maybe you neg rep someone anonymously. This seems to be increasingly popular, as one other thread documented ad nauseum. Regardless, if you're thin skinned, you're probably in the wrong place. Don't take the clownin' so seriously. We're all here because we deal with that uptight bullshit everywhere else (work, the in(out)laws, school, a correctional facility of the state's chosing) and need a break from it. Truth be told, I could care less how sexy or ugly your shit appears to me or any other rider for that matter. I'd ride with any and all of you. ('Til someone utters "yut uggghh" then I will poke your squidly ass in the eye.) Look at it this way. I am comfortable with myself, and can say this. I am a goofy looking guy riding a decent looking bike. You may be a decent looking guy, you just ride a goofy looking machine, but you can always buy another bike. I am not so fortunate. But for your sake, and the sake of many others, I wear a full face lid and dark face shield, so once we're in the wind, no one is in any further danger of retinal scarring.

Point is, if something bugs you, step up, man up (or woman up you XX chromosomed OR mongols) and say "man, not cool", and speak your peace. If I, or some other self respecting member is out of bounds, more than likely they'll admit it. Or, work on your material and send a quip back the other way. Tell JRMiii that Duracell isn't sponsoring a race team anytime soon, and pick on of Windows other 16 million colors on his next bike. Or that if he doesn't stop, r1crusher's mom is going to figure out what he is up to when ALL of her garden gnome's pointy hats are brown and stinky. Don't sneak shit in under the radar and dart out unnoticed over simple shit. If you're gonna play that way, what are you gonna do when some serious shit hits the fan? You might just blow up, and then someone has to clean your steamy guts off your nice flatscreen monitor, and there's no fun in that.

So if I pissed you off to the point of being livid beyond the point of rational thought, I would like to tell you I am sorry. I would like to, but don't want to lie to you either, because I am not. What I will tell you is that you're taking this shit waaaay to seriously, and relax. That I mean. Sure there are plenty of douchebags to go around, claiming to be the end-all be-all of bike and life knowledge. (And occasionally punked out by even bigger d-bags stunting on the street. Shit. Sorry. Got carried away.) They are as obvious as the nose on your face, and just as much out of joint. Ya got a bitch? Discuss it. We'll hash it out, then tip back a few in the wake. Just check your ego at the door, right next to mine.

Now feel free to flame away. I am going to get my beer.

I hear ya loud and clear there, SAM. It's one thing to talk some smack among the boys. It's another to roll out the same tired, pointless shit time after time. It wears on ya. Like when my Mrs tells me my cock feels small. I say "you know, you say that at least 4 to 5 times a month, but it's becasue you're used to it. Your sister, however, the couple times a year I give it to her..she thinks it's HUUUGE!"
The clap is nasty as fuck when it drips from your bottom lip, don't it. I told ya not to eat that shit. Why do you think my dad has false teeth?



I get a report of feedback left. I remove dumbass reps (had several instances of two people getting into a neg feedback bitch fight). I also watch to make sure nothing breaks the rules (racist, violent, etc). Of course I'm sure I miss some stuff. I could actually set it so everyone could see who the feedback is from, but I find people are more honest when it's anonymous.

Unlike some other boards ( :lol: ) I do not and will never read PMs. There is a plugin required to do so and I will never even install it. I find it morally wrong to read something marked as "private".

yut ughhhh!!!!
sam likes it in the ass? i thought that was obvious?
Prolly pisses on his balls too.
I would like to complain about the character limit on tags. I was not able to add "your mom delivers her vagina onto my cock" because it was too long. :(
I'll just tag every thread with 'liberal pansy' to let everyone know I read it.

:lol: :lol: OMG so much rep to give just in one thread!!!!!

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Look RVTPussy, you mention my mother again and I'll personally drive over to your house and punch YOUR mother in the mouth while she's blowing the dog.

:grin: :thefinger:

Now that that's out of the way, why the hell don't you return a phone call!?!?

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Look RVTPussy, you mention my mother again and I'll personally drive over to your house and punch YOUR mother in the mouth while she's blowing the dog.

:grin: :thefinger:

Now that that's out of the way, why the hell don't you return a phone call!?!?

he's busy holding the sheep down for kawi kid and sambusa....000202FD.gif

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Sweet! I got a red square for rep. now! You guys R O C K ! ! !

Man I really miss the good old days of repin' on another unmentionable site. But I think that like there, it'll get out of hand here and just be removed.

Back to sheepin' you F'ers!

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Look RVTPussy, you mention my mother again and I'll personally drive over to your house and punch YOUR mother in the mouth while she's blowing the dog.

:grin: :thefinger:

Now that that's out of the way, why the hell don't you return a phone call!?!?

I would return your call, but I am only allowed one from my holding cell. and had YOUR mother not let out that I am her pimp, neither of our mothers would be under new management. Yadik.

I will call you later when I get home from class. Was a long shitty weekend.

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he's busy holding the sheep down for kawi kid and sambusa....000202FD.gif

I hold no sheep. However, all those years of entering greased pig contests in the county fair have prepared me for binding up r1crusher and giving him the business end of my johnson.

And from what I am told, they have been at it for so long that kawi and SAM don't have to hold the sheep down, but the sheep back onto them.

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AH...it was only a matter of time before you took your head from out of you mothers vajay jay and checked in here.

Business end of your jonhson huh...you don't even have a johnson from what SAM PM'd me and I though you squated to pee. Or was that someone else...hhhmmm.

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