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Biggu's 1.5jz engine build


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  • 4 weeks later...

So i did a bit of work to the SC on saturday and got alot going on it. I put Redline MTL in the trans, bleed the brakes and found 2 of my connections were loose so no wonder why the brakes sucked, mounted my old E fans since the ones I want are $500 plus these will have to make due and adjusted my clutch so it now engages and disengages as it should. I was able to drive the SC from where the lift is to its parking spot so it was all good stuff this weekend. I ordered a wastegate pipe yesterday so that should help finish up that part, The car still needs the exhaust finished up which should be done in the next few weeks, a tune, intake pipe, upper radiator mounts and then mounting all the gauges and it will be pretty much done and drive able.


I cant say im excited nor not excited i just want to drive the car again...


PS the fans pull a good amount of air and I can still hold my hand in front of the inter cooler from about 2-3 feet away and still feel the air flow. same thing with the oil coolers and this is with out any ducting.





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got the catch can finished up and got the rear section of the exhaust all mounted up. Just need to get the down pipe mated to the mid pipe and it will be all finished up exhaust wise. The next thing on the list will be mounting the gauges and then a tune and then heat wraping all the stuff near the firewall like the wiring harness and other items that go there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So she is alive and on the rollers now.


I cant believe we got it going after a bunch of issues that were having with it. Turns out that the map sensor i bought a while ago was a 2 bar when it was supposed to be a 3.5 bar. So to fix that we installed a 5 bar so no more issues with that any longer. the next issue was the BOV wasn't blowing off at all which ended up being in conjunction with a really stiff spring and an improperly setup vacuum source. on top of all that the gasket for the bov was pinched causing a leak and the vband wasn't tightened all the way. Next issue was a fuel delivery issue. I put a 100 micron fuel filter in line and it was filtering to much and was causing fuel to not rise as it should have. I ended up removing the fuel filter for the time being and i will replace it with a 10 or 40 micron later. After that I had a wastegate issue, basically creeping 7 psi of boost which is pretty bad but it turns out that I didn't really plumb it the right way and even putting it into conventional waste gate mode it still had creep. Honestly the shop was a major hurry as they are doing a huge dyno day this weekend so instead of screwing around with the wastegate to figure it out we swapped it out to a Tial 44 and now we have no issues with boost creep. Im sure there were more issues but that was about it.


so far on spring only were at 425hp at 11 psi with another 14 psi to go for high boost.


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god damnit photobucket is blocked at work..and so is youtube. government computer ftl. i cant see any of the pics or vids, but sounds like a nice build man. i'm about to start my sc300 build in a few wks
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Here you guys go,



final numbers on low boost were 548 hp and 489 torques. that is at 17 psi and we will be pushing it to 25-28 here in a few weeks or so. the tuner is very busy and Im so glad he was able to get me in and get it taken care of.


PS got to drive the car home and ITS A BLAST!!!

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A typical 35R can support 65-70 lbs/min


It depends a lot of what housing its in, what the size of the compressor wheel is though. Billet wheels usually support upwards of 80 lbs/min

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  • 1 month later...

So nothing really new with the car, It got stripped out this weekend and will be dropped off tomorrow to the fabricators and getting a full 10 point weld in cage with a X brace.


While I had the center console out I went through and make my gauge setup better than being zip tied on to the dash.





may not be 100% pretty but its functional.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cage is done!!!!










got alot of work ahead of me to get the car ready for next weeked.

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