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Girl drifter!


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Let's not forget about driver's like Lyn St. James, who was not in racing for the above mentioned reasons and excellent proof of that would be that most people have no idea who she is even though she has driven just about everything competitively and had some success doing so.


No reason for women not to race especially if they have the talent. The media is pretty scary now a days to the point that they make it impossible for a woman to race due to talent. OMG BOOBS driving a race car.....

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What is a woman doing around cars!? She don't need to be spinnin no tires, she need to be spinnin a load of my laundry and makin me dinner. Shit if this kind talk and behavior keeps up next thing you know women are goanna want to vote and work in an office environment, and that aint right!








I'm joking of course, women should be allowed around cars, but only if they’re hot and wearing minimal clothes while washing my car…

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