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Iron Pony.


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Ridiculous Policy to where you can not return a Special Order. Granted I understand the theory behind the policy and 364 days of the year I can accept it. But Christmas time? Now I take you to my experience:


My mother so graciously christmas shopping for me purchased $1,000 of leathers from Iron Pony for me. She bought a coat off of the rack and than went to grab the pants, they carried every size but were out of 38 (Which most motorcyclist will agree is a common size). So any who she had to "special order" the size 38. Now if you don't know Iron Pony orders there parts through Parts Unlimited, the same people All Terrain Sports does, sooo I am very familiar with there ordering and returning policy. I'll take you to christmas day. I get the leathers, love them, but I sold the Busa no need for them currently. I go to return them. I am told they have a no cash back policy for Special Orders and they will give me a store credit. They told me they have to pay to return them (bullshit). P/U policy is all you do as a dealer is call/email and get a Return Authorization. What in the hell am I going to do with $400 to Iron Pony with no bike? Shanton is there with me and asks the guy, well if we come back in a month and you guys have a 38 on the shelf can I return in than, guy replies no because its past the 30 days. And the fact that they can't make exception for a solid customer who has spent thousands there is absolutely disgusting. What fucking business ethics are those? I even PM'd our member PonyJR who told me they couldn't do anything. What kind of horse shit is that. Thank you Iron Pony, thank you for basically telling customers FUCK YOU. I appreciate it. I will never buy a single thing again from that scam artist of hell hole. I hope you go under.


Give me back my pants and the ability to call P/U myself I will personally get a Return Authorization and get my money back.


Sorry Iron Pony you guys are full of shit.

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Nothing is over priced. Items are sold at MSRP, as many brands have rules about discounting their products. We have the best tire prices anywhere, almost all of our tires are 10-40% off of MSRP. If you have a problem with the prices, you have a problem with the brands, it is them that set the price we sell them at. Where else can you go and have the selection we have anywhere at a physical store?
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Tyler just because your buddies with the kid doesn't mean you need to bring a biased view to my CONSUMER REPORT THREAD. This is the area where a CUSTOMER (like myself) can either leave Positive or in this case Negative representation. I feel I got screwed here, anyway you see it's as clear as day as they policy is bullshit. And no Tyler he didn't go out of his fucking way to give me store credit back, they have to. They can't just say oh you bought them sorry you can't return them.


And yes a member did contact me and I appreciate everything HE is doing for me. NOTHING from Iron Pony. Quit leg humping the dog shit out of your friend and there business. I as a consumer have a right to have a fucking problem with it.


I wouldn't be so absolutely pissed if I had ordered something bike specific that they don't carry BUT THEY CARRY THE FUCKING PANTS! THEY JUST DIDN'T AT THE TIME HAVE THE SIZE!! So what does that mean it's no longer a special order when they fucking order one or when they have one on the fucking shelf. It's a bullshit policy for products they carry.


And Tyler I didn't attack PonyJr I simply stated that I had PM'd him so I wouldn't have people telling me to contact him. He was cool when he PM'd me trust me I appreciate that much. All I told him was that I was disgusted with the ethics they have. I am sure you have read the PM's if Not I can post all of them.


So if anything get out of your own shoes and experience this bullshit from my side.




And yes OH8STi I will ALWAYS be going with ATS for anything.

Edited by nurkvinny
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If you aren't the creator of this thread or represent the business, you should not be in here.




EDIT - Since I am getting multiple PMs complaining about how I cleaned up this thread, let me specify my reasons here for all to see.


To those of you who are neither the consumer nor the business involved in this topic: this section is not for other parties to debate the consumer's opinion. PM Dover if you think he is "making up lies" about the company. He did not make up any lies here; everything he posted is from his personal experience.


And if you are upset that your previous Consumer Report threads were shit in, then use the report post button so an Admin or Mod can review it. PMing me and accusing me of making up rules as I go is not the way to get anything accomplished. If this answer doesn't satisfy you, take your case up with an Admin.



Edited by nurkvinny
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I stated how I felt about my experience at iron pony and it gets deleted?


Yep. See my previous post. When the thread got cluster-fucked, I wasn't about to spend more time sifting through what to prune and what not to.


Thread closed. Not by any fault of the OP, but I think his point has been made.


Have a great day.

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