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Shot in the dark: any recreational ice hockey players here?


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Anyone here into recreational ice hockey in the Columbus area?

I just finished the regular season in intramural ice hockey, and I can't help but wonder if there are any rec leagues around here. Nothing really serious, just a 'for fun' league. I'm not particularly good; I'm really out of shape when it comes to anything but lifting :( I played in high school though, so I've got the fundamentals down just fine.

I know there are some rec leagues up in northeastern Ohio (Strongsville has some I think) but that's a tad far lol. If there were any down here, ESPECIALLY a summer league, me and my buddy would join up for sure. I just dunno where to look for em; I'm out of the loop when it comes to hockey in central Ohio.

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I wish I was capable of being that coordinated. I used to hang with a dude in H.S. that played in rec league and pickup games at Winterhurst in Lakewood up here. I went a couple times and held a stick in the corner of the ice while I peed on myself.

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they have rec leagues at the chillers and the ice haus downtown.... if you are into it I'd be willing to do it with ya.... but I need to get back into shape first....lol

I'll have to look into that. We should start an Ohio-Riders team...that would be entertaining :lol:

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I played D-league intramural at OSU for 2 seasons. I had a lot of fun, but I was so bad that even the ref was making fun of me. :)

Lol, I'm in D right now. I could play a higher league but I'm just in it for the fun, and the teams in anything higher than D take it way too seriously...plus I could use some cardio training. I played C one season and got winded too quickly to really enjoy it :(

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ive been taking ice skating at ohio state this quarter. ive never played hockey but its the ultimate goal and it would be cool to have a group to fart around with.

on a side note- were you riding around campus today harb? i saw a ninja 650 tooling around.

Edited by Benyen Soljax
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Hah wow this has taken off more than I expected. I would totally be up for an Ohio Riders team or league or renting ice or any of the other ideas that have been mentioned. It'd be a blast :D

ive been taking ice skating at ohio state this quarter. ive never played hockey but its the ultimate goal and it would be cool to have a group to fart around with.

on a side note- were you riding around campus today harb? i saw a ninja 650 tooling around.

No :( Mine is up near Akron at my parents house until spring break *weep* Todays weather was so nice too...

Are you taking Skating 2 with Habart? I took that last year for shits; I already knew more or less everything they had to teach from high school, but it was still a ton of fun to go out and skate once a week. I just love being on the ice...I don't care what I'm doing out there :D I want to take Skating 3 but it always clashes with my normal classes :( Power skating is some of the best exercise you can get, and doing it twice a week would be awesome.

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no im in skating one. ive skated off and on for years, but never had any formal training. im probably the second best skater in the class, but he still pushes the more advanced people just as much as the newbs, so im always learning stuff. hes really helping me out with skating backwards and other simple stuff im not good at yet. i love it and go to free skate as much as i can. do you ever go to free skate?

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There is a roller hockey rink in Gahanna. I know it is not ice hockey but I would be good to go for some fun on roller blades. It looks like it is free just show up and skate. I work at NetJets and there are a couple people here I know would be interested. One is a goalie.

Go Wings


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An OR pick up game would be awesome. ScrappyGrl and I both played in an all women's league in Newark for a few seasons. We got kicked out because we were too competitive. It's not my fault I was faster than the rest of them and couldn't pass to them because they were BEHIND me on a wide open breakaway. Anyway, we've been itching to hit the ice again though. If somebody puts this together that'd be sweet!

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no im in skating one. ive skated off and on for years, but never had any formal training. im probably the second best skater in the class, but he still pushes the more advanced people just as much as the newbs, so im always learning stuff. hes really helping me out with skating backwards and other simple stuff im not good at yet. i love it and go to free skate as much as i can. do you ever go to free skate?

Occasionally. I've toyed with the idea of getting the quarter-long pass or whatever package deal they have and going to the noonish open skates and doing some power skating as a workout, cuz I have really bad feet and can't run :( Never got around to it though simply because it's a pain to skate, go home, shower, and then go to class. Too much stuff to do in the middle of the day. Maybe during the summer though...

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There is a roller hockey rink in Gahanna. I know it is not ice hockey but I would be good to go for some fun on roller blades. It looks like it is free just show up and skate. I work at NetJets and there are a couple people here I know would be interested. One is a goalie.

Go Wings


There's a nice one right on campus too. Earlier in the winter is snowed, melted, and then froze just enough to make it slick enough for normal pucks...THAT was fun :D Running around in shoes chasing pucks and dicking around at 1 AM in freezing weather lol

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