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Transparency is failing. They refuse to show healthcare debates on CSPAN, now they are having closed door-democrat only negotiations on this shit.


Obamabots sicken me.


What's great is all the blind that voted for him to begin with, now understand the smoke and mirrors effect he had. Maybe Bush was an idiot (according to some) but he put words into action. After we get done with this far left agenda, the country will swing back to the right. And no, I hope Palin isn't a part of this swing back to the good in this country.

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I hope Palin isn't a part of this swing back to the good in this country.


+1 on that one, good buddy. Don't see what the fascination is with her in a primary political office.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and as if Oblahblah wasn't that bad, Biden makes Quayle look like a Rhodes scholar.

Edited by zeitgeist57
Had to rip on Biden also...
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+1 on that one, good buddy. Don't see what the fascination is with her in a primary political office.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and as if Oblahblah wasn't that bad, Biden makes Quayle look like a Rhodes scholar.

Yes sir!


I've always been partial to the Libertarian/Republican views. I still hold to this day, if Romney and McCain got together, it would've been a different story. Like Nick had said, the 18-29 group has to much of a distorted open mind to the world. I'll state again, the Founding Fathers would not be happy to see what has become of our government. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." - Too bad that's not a staple to today's government.

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Yes sir!


I've always been partial to the Libertarian/Republican views. I still hold to this day, if Romney and McCain got together, it would've been a different story. Like Nick had said, the 18-29 group has to much of a distorted open mind to the world. I'll state again, the Founding Fathers would not be happy to see what has become of our government. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." - Too bad that's not a staple to today's government.


Bob Barr vs McCain - I vote for McCain

Bob Barr vs Palin - I vote for Barr

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Well, I happily claimed $4000 for buying a house, and he hasn't outlawed guns yet so it could be worse. That being said, our politicians are mostly a bunch of corrupt slimey liars and none of you should be surprised they would sell out their country for a few million dollars. We'll see if the dems can afford to be this shortsighted next election.
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Oh, forgot about that little question... He spends too much money, and doesn't make any. If we're going to drive ourselves into insane super unprecedented debt, maybe we should drill the dogshit out of the gulf or somewhere and try to offset it a bit. Or, he could do his damn job and veto the BS legislation that is making its way through congress... Or, he could try not appointing a horrible supreme court justice that can do her job better than a white man.

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