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I'm a firm believer of you get what you pay for. Yes they are getting out of control (does it really cost $40 for 1 advil!), but free healthcare means these surgeons/doctors that have made a name for themselves would be the same price as everyone else. I dont know about you but I think Dr. House has earned the right to charge more than everyone else. That dudes badass!!
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not me mandated by government to do so.



Why not? The Gov't Mandates LOTS of thing. From Religion (10 Commandments in the Court Room), to who you can marry (Gay Rights), to a Women's Rights (abortion).


Why not this as well? I see the good, and bad of this. Only TIME will tell which it is /was.





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I really don't understand the argument anymore. A year ago, I guess I could see why people supported our "commander and chief" (scary words). Not so much anymore, for the 53% of this country that did vote for him, you're just the blind slut at the frat party that got whispered sweet nothings all night and fucked in the bathroom. You can deny that you got played, you can accept it, I don't give a shit. Bottom line is you didn't even get that little call the next morning. What has he done for us...ME, the tax paying, law abiding citizen? Why do hard working americans like us get punished for striving? Where is Americas motivation? Why should we be motivated? Aren't we after the "american dream," and now the government wants to take that away and give it to the ones that aren't educated, that are lazy, that knocked up 10 different women....Thats BS. This country is divided in two, the go-getters and the fat lazy asses. Please enlighten me on why I should support our President.
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Oh, and one thing Palin wasn't running for President.... Obama was!


If you cant put together the reasoning for my post you need to take the diploma (I'm assuming) you were given and recycle it so that piece of paper can be of use for someone...

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To be honest, when I look at the demographics of the people that voted for Obama (specifically age and race), it sickens me.


please expand on this further. what exactly 'sickens' you about this? that 95% of black ppl voted for obama, or that 43% of white ppl did?

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