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Rush Limbaugh likes socialized medicine?


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Originally Posted by craig71188 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif

1) When you can give me an example of a government run program that isn't bloated, growing faster than inflation, and is efficient, then talk to me about running healthcare (the house bill has a government "single payer" option - senate does not - stand by for the reconciled bill)



The bill is supposed to save money.


I noticed you had no response for my number one concern - and it is number one for a reason! You right I don't have a response nor did i claim to have the answer nor did i claim to like the current bill minus shaking things up.


2) Healthcare is not a right. You can use some tortured logic on the Constitution to try and say it is, but it's not. Religious freedon is a right and if one does not believe in abortion on religious grounds, forcing them to pay for same IS a violation of Constitutional rights



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANOTHER PERSON NOT FUCKING knowing what there (I think you mean they're, a contraction of "they are") talking about. It really is hard to take statement serious when they make such a grouse (a "grouse" is a bird - perhaps you were looking for the term "gross") incompetence in understanding the formation of the USA.

Ohhh wow someone made fun of My typing, you mean the same concept thats been hit on time and time again. Bravo


If your command of the english language is indicative of your command of the facts of our country's founding, therein lies the problem. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and for that matter, the Federalist Papers are documents containing words that have meanings.

ohhh yes because ones understanding of English effects there understanding of america. Spelling YOUR/YOU're Wrong or putting the wrong word for grouse has nothing to do with understanding off the word. It does prove I can't spell for shit and do have issues articulating my thoughts into a fashion easily understood by others.


Assuming your logic that because my "English" is so bad I can't understand the bill of rights. You must also assume I could not be a educated person who could solve complex problems.


ohhh wait. Fail again


and your (again, I think it's "you're") joking me right. Abortion THATS BAD!@#!@#!@#!@#

Helping the sick thats bad?


What would Jesus do? He would verify that said leper had proper coverage and then if he felt they deserved it he would heal them at a resonable rate,


Comparing Jesus to the government is a flawed analogy. Although those with a liberal bias tend to see "The Government" as a deity, it is not a god or godlike in any way. No point in trying to argue a flawed premise...

Omg yes your right I consider our goverment which I'm against on so many topic a deity. Your taking cheap shots instead of going at the real issue. HEALTHCARE IS A RIGHT.


3) Most Unions are for this bill as their "cadillac" health care plans are specifically exempt from the bill in most cases.

---- go back and read it more.

No need, it is true. They have exempted programs covering individuals in what they refer to as "hazardous" positions, but they all just happen to be largely unionized jobs. You connect the dots.


I honestly do not have a rebutle to this, maybe I'm misunderstanding the bill but I did not think said exemtpions where there. again I'e said it before I'll say it again. I don't think this bill is the answer. At one point before all the poltical bullshit it was a GREAT IDEA.



4) The passage of this bill is relying on huge bribes/pork/graft to specific states to "buy" their representatives votes. This process and the "special exemptions" being granted to those states/groups will need to be investigated and challenged in court. This is one of the reasons there is such a rush to get this passed and implemented. They know that once it's in place, it will be near impossible to undo.


--- Good I don't want to undone I want us to get real obtainable healthcare.

Right...if it got us here, doing more of it will help????


it has not got us anywhere, But the concept in the bill are derived from Hawaiis laws. Again I don't think the bill is a answer. I think socialized medicine is an answer but not this bill.



I have no problem with reforming healthcare. I think there should be many revisions:

1) Portability

2) More competition and published prices

3) More protection against cancelled policies

4) A "safety net" for catustrophic coverage for those than can't get insurance


I want reform.




That said, a complete government takeover - and all the pork that has come with it is inexscusable. The argument that any plan is better than no plan is ludicrous. There are voices in congress trying to do these things (in the minority) but they don't benefit the right constituants, so they are not being heard. Demand better of your government!


I am demanding better from my government, I'm demanding they get in step with the other major countries and stop letting people in there own lands die from strep throat and other easily treatable illnesses.


Keep in mind, people come here from most all those other major countries when they want the best care, period.



You realize that this bill has been said to reduce spending by a bipartison committee?


OK, let's think about this, how will it cover MORE people for LESS money unless something gets cut out (or rationed?). How is that "the best" health care?

Because right now were spending more money on poor people who abuse the emrgency room. Have you ever went to the ER? say you broke an arm or busted your head? Its overflowing because of poor people going there so they can not pay there bill. This would reduce that for starters.

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2) Healthcare is not a right. You can use some tortured logic on the Constitution to try and say it is, but it's not. Religious freedon is a right and if one does not believe in abortion on religious grounds, forcing them to pay for same IS a violation of Constitutional rights


I agree the current bill will not solve our problems, I also think it will make things worse for most people. You are entitled to your feelings - but the concept of healthcare being a "right" is not articulated in the Constitution. We can debate whether it should be or not - but it's just not there now.


Assuming your logic that because my "English" is so bad I can't understand the bill of rights. You must also assume I could not be a educated person who could solve complex problems.


ohhh wait. Fail again

As I don't know you personally, I can only assume from your writing that you misused some words, this could lead one to assume you might misunderstand some others and draw a wrong conclusion, no more, no less.



and your (again, I think it's "you're") joking me right. Abortion THATS BAD!@#!@#!@#!@#

Helping the sick thats bad?


What would Jesus do? He would verify that said leper had proper coverage and then if he felt they deserved it he would heal them at a resonable rate,


Comparing Jesus to the government is a flawed analogy. Although those with a liberal bias tend to see "The Government" as a deity, it is not a god or godlike in any way. No point in trying to argue a flawed premise...

Omg yes your right I consider our goverment which I'm against on so many topic a deity. Your taking cheap shots instead of going at the real issue. HEALTHCARE IS A RIGHT.

I'd call this one even based on the WWJD "cheap shot" to start it off.

The "health care is a right" point can be debated, right or wrong, I'm just saying it's not in the Constitution as written today.



4) The passage of this bill is relying on huge bribes/pork/graft to specific states to "buy" their representatives votes. This process and the "special exemptions" being granted to those states/groups will need to be investigated and challenged in court. This is one of the reasons there is such a rush to get this passed and implemented. They know that once it's in place, it will be near impossible to undo.


--- Good I don't want to undone I want us to get real obtainable healthcare.

Right...if it got us here, doing more of it will help????


it has not got us anywhere, But the concept in the bill are derived from Hawaiis laws. Again I don't think the bill is a answer. I think socialized medicine is an answer but not this bill.

Yes, socialized medicine is AN answer - I just don't think the facts bear it out to be the BEST answer. See below:

I have no problem with reforming healthcare. I think there should be many revisions:

1) Portability

2) More competition and published prices

3) More protection against cancelled policies

4) A "safety net" for catustrophic coverage for those than can't get insurance


You realize that this bill has been said to reduce spending by a bipartison committee?


OK, let's think about this, how will it cover MORE people for LESS money unless something gets cut out (or rationed?). How is that "the best" health care?Because right now were spending more money on poor people who abuse the emrgency room. Have you ever went to the ER? say you broke an arm or busted your head? Its overflowing because of poor people going there so they can not pay there bill. This would reduce that for starters.

Reforming health care so emergncy rooms are used for emergencies is good. It does not require a complete government takeover of the industry.


I think we agree that the current bill(s) are not good. All I want is to throw them out and start with a true bi-partisan plan that addresses health care in the LEAST intrusive fashion. It should stand on its own merits - not require billions of tax dollars to purchase votes to get it passed. We as a country can and should do better when it comes to health care - but the current turd(s) floating around Washington are not the answer.

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I don't think Obama has a health care plan anymore. It's been so tortured in both houses of congress that it any plan currently under debate can no longer reasonably be attached to Obama.


Plus, even major parts keep changing. Last I heard, the public option was out. But who knows.


Bottom line is that any discussion about specifics of any health care plans are still speculation at this point.

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It sucks I think we can all agree americas health care needs help just we can't seem to find the right answer :(



If it wasn't politically based, in which it shouldn't be, I think the problem could be solved. With all the medical professionals in this country, why weren't they consulted, along with the general public per say. It needs work, but the current proposal isn't in the Country's best intrest I believe.

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