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PayPal can do the right thing


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I always hear the stories about how PayPal screws people. But I wanted to point out that I just made my second claim against a seller, and the 2nd time it was rulled in my favor.


1 year ago, order a 8GB Memory Stick for my wife's Camera I bought her for X-mas. Ordered it well in advance (before we flew to Newfoundland), doesn't show up...had to buy one from Best Buy before we left. Call our neighbor a week after we left, still didn't show up. E-bay sends a scam alert about this seller, so I submit a claim, PayPal refunds the money (never any communication back from the seller, ever).


A week later, the memory stick shows up, go figure.


Ordered a toner cartridge for my HP 1018 Laserjet printer. I was still on the stock cartridge, and it lasted for thousands of pages, so I wasn't unhappy at all about buying a new one. Found a replacement for only $14 on E-bay shipped (which makes me wonder why people buy Inkjet printers). Takes WAY too long to ship (two weeks, twice the quoted maximum ship time). Put it in...paper jams. Swap the only one back in, no jams (luckily the printer is uber easy to swap toners). This printer has never, ever jammed...including doing professional quality wedding invitations, thank you cards, and hand-outs for our wedding in 2008. Swap back and forth several times, always jams with their toner, never with mine.


E-mail back, they would be "happy to send me a new one if I mail the old one back." All in broken English, of course. I send a reply back stating I am willing to ship it back if they pay for shipping, as I'm not going to be out money for their crappy product. Get a broken English canned response back, stating they need to see it, and didn't even address the shipping issue. Screw them, file a PayPal complaint (with thorough details), and in less than 24 hours...refund.


PayPal has never given me any issues over the many years I have used them. They aren't all bad like some may want you to believe.

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I have always had good luck from the buying end, but as a seller I have been screwed many times.


It's great for the buyer that they are being protected, but I think the protection is often too far slanted in the buyers favor. Even when the only wrongdoing is clearly on behalf of the buyer, and sometimes I think its because they know they will likely get away with it. From a seller's perspective I don't feel very protected at all by PayPal, although they seem to have made some minor policy improvements lately.


That being said, again, I have had nothing but positive experiences as a low volume buyer and would certainly recommend PayPal.

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I have mixed feelings about paypal, I think it's hit or miss with them. I've got eBay items that were significantly different than described and tried to file claim and lost, but generally if you don't get the merchandise they will for sure refund you. All depends on the situation I suppose.
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you only get money back if its a ebay deal.....


And up to a certain dollar amount. I bought a Cobra intake for my '86 GT years ago on eBay, got a good deal on it. It never showed up. I filed a complaint, and only got part of my money back, like $150 of the $300+ I spent. Fuck that. From now on, when I use Paypal, I do it against my credit card ONLY, so if I get screwed, I can take it up with my credit card company and not Paypal. I use them as little as possible.

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you only get money back if its a ebay deal.....


This is not true. I have been refunded for other things I bought on a company website.


I have had zero problems being buyer or seller with the exception above but my money was refunded after 15 days.

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Paypal always takes the side of the buyer over the seller. Thats why they can get on my dick...


I agree 100%. They're killing/scaring off many good eBay sellers because of their (and eBay's) retarded policies. I have first hand knowledge of paypal taking our money and giving it to a buyer because "they say they didn't get it." It doesn't matter if you have delivery confirmation, if they want to screw you they will.

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I have first hand knowledge of paypal taking our money and giving it to a buyer because "they say they didn't get it." It doesn't matter if you have delivery confirmation, if they want to screw you they will.


+1. Me Three.


From a seller's standpoint, F them. F them in the A.

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Fuck paypal!! I got shafted on a deal last month and they basically told me to get lost. They actually told me the guy could've sent me a box of rocks and theres nothing they could do because it wasn't bought on Ebay. Fuck their fee's, fuck their customer service or lack there of, fuck their policies, basically fuck them.


I litterally sold all my spare parts today locally in a package deal so I no longer have to deal with dumb fuck buyers/sellers.

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