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Funny snow wreck story


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I was driving on 270 at the hamilton rd exit in gahanna. I see head lights off in the ditch to the right of me. I slow down and pull over as there is a guy standing on the side of the road and it was 2am and freezing out. Asked him if he is ok and what happened. He said he lost control, slid off the road and so on. His front bumper got ripped of in the process and he had pulled it out of the ditch and onto the berm. Well since I had pulled over alittle further then where he wrecked I had to back up some to I could try to pull him out. As I was backing up I hear a big crunch sound. Pull forward and found out that I ran over his bumper he pulled out of the ditch for his car. I split it into 3 pieces doin so. Me and my shovel guy were lol'ing. Felt bad but it was 100% accident. Tow truck was pullin in to get him out by now so I left. Thought it was kinda funny.
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