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who has moved on??


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Welcome to the club, once you get older other things are more importance. Dont get me wrong, I still like automobiles/bikes etc, there is always something faster, nicer etc. About the deep pockets, I agree if you dont do your own work it can be very expensive. You get to a point to enjoy what you have. If it stinks you off, put it in the garage and dont mess with it for a few days. After a few days, you go back out to work on your project in a refreshed state.
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ive got the best of both worlds. granted last year i leaned more twords the bike side but this year doing some changes to the srt so im sure ill push over to this relm again as well.


btw both my toys are slow an suck ass but i enjoy both equally

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Moved on.... no. Taking a break to re-prioritize for a few years.... yes!


I got the Scoot as part of this plan. Once it is paid for, a larger bike will be purchased. Once we move into a new home, a new "toy" car will be obtained.


With time, comes change. It's just the way things seem to be.





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have i thought about it yes, but i could never keep away from the HP, i would like to make my car more quite, but for now im fine with it i can deal with the noise as for going from a sports car to a cruising car no i could never do it. now give me the keys to an AMG like a C63, or a GT-R then yes i could step away for a little bit.
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Great topic. I have, somewhat.


I made my S-10 1 second faster every other year for about 8 years, and planned on keeping going.


Then, wife, house #1 and #2, kid #1 and #2 happened. I still daydream about going fast, but fear that I am done for a while. Unless I buy something else already "fast".

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I still have my moded car, but at the moment there's something wrong with it and I have zero urge to fix it... honestly, even before the engine problems, it has just sat for the past few years... I rather enjoy driving in my luxery sedan instead of the rough ride of my sports car.
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I guess I'm at a pause with the car stuff. The FD is done for power. It'll get paint and new interior eventually. Then when I break it I will have to work on it, so I guess it'll never be done. I don't have another car that I want to mod. I talked to a dealership today about ordering and STi and as much as I want it, I just don't feel now is the time for that car. Still looking at the 06 STi for a daily and keeping the legacy. So the car bug is mostly to get another daily driver. And I'm thinking I'll have 2 wheels before long, so I'll be putting a lot of time into that.
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I will never own a bike.... ever. I will also never spend $10,000 in one year on my car ever again. I'll continue to mod my car but my kids are old enough to where I can spend more money on them. The car is no longer my secondary money getter.. hell its not even 4th at this point.


Since we are being honest I like everyone in the car scene except for Hal. Next time I see him I'm going to fight him to the death with numchucks.

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I will never own a bike.... ever. I will also never spend $10,000 in one year on my car ever again. I'll continue to mod my car but my kids are old enough to where I can spend more money on them. The car is no longer my secondary money getter.. hell its not even 4th at this point.


Since we are being honest I like everyone in the car scene except for Hal. Next time I see him I'm going to fight him to the death with numchucks.


#1 Your priorities are correct. They're growing up fast for sure


#2 Try it. I come strapped. My belt/strap doubles as an ass beater in case of emergency.

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#1 Your priorities are correct. They're growing up fast for sure


#2 Try it. I come strapped. My belt/strap doubles as an ass beater in case of emergency.


#1 You dont need priorities when you are hood rich!!!!!!!


#2 I like you now. No need to fight. Want to come over for dinner some time and talk about how we hate dumping money in cars now?

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Look at me.. I could care less about owning a fast car.


The lowest car you've ever seen, on the other hand.. you bet! :thumbup:


Im sorry but my boy marty has got you beat



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I have done both so far.


To be honest there is just as much money wrapped up in Bikes as there are in Cars if you plan on grudging atleast. Hell I was looking at a laundry list of parts and what not for the bike. I already have so much invested in one car I really don't plan on dumping anymore into it. I really enjoy my new DD. It has power, comfort, and good looks. The whole time I was on my bike and what not I had a blast but those will admit you do miss cars alot doing it. I won't ever get out of riding, I am in the process of locating a new two wheel beast to throw in my inventory. Bikes = Cars.. to me atleast. Can't wait to see all you fools out this summer for some good old fun!

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Was/is he running bags? If it's air, then get that shit out of here. I can't really tell much by that picture, but it just looks lip low.


If it's static, I want pinchweld measurements..


I bet it's pretty close, because I was measuring just about 3 inches from the ground at pinchwelds before winter setup. Hell, even at my winter height I can't make it over speedbumps.

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A lack of money is the only reason my passion has faded. If I had a quality job, where I was comfortable living at the level we are at now, had my retirement planned for, education for future kids planned for etc, and still had a surplus, I would definetly be modding/buying cars with that money.


However, being a new graduate in todays economy is a reality check. We just went under contract for a house, and started up 401ks, and life insurance etc. Once I get a job, and we get comfortable with our new financial obligations, the mods will come.


Being a grown up kind of sucks.


Believe it or not Im going to have to disagree with you on this one. I remember growing up as a kid/teenager thinking "how the hell am i gonna do all of this, the job, making a home for my family, shit even having a family, school, career etc...." Now that im actually growing up its easy. So, to me at least, growing up is kind of fun... for now ;)


As for cars, its a hobby just like going to the gym or watching hockey. A hobby i follow and really enjoy but its just a small part of the big picture. Its like if you had to prioritize everything in your life where would your automotive hobby be? In the top 5? Top 10?

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Not sure if its the lowest but its JIC fla2 coilovers maxed out with 1 perch taken out




The car itself cant even make it over a speedbump without anyone getting out. my exhaust on the new car is a 1 1/2 from the ground.

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