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Interesting view on "racism"


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I cant just read this one without replying...


You could have probably made the team if you were good. I got cut from the baseball team and failed golf in gym class. I never once thought it was because I was black. I knew 5 white guys hired at the fire station in the 90's on Weber and McGuffy (the main reason why I had to post). Finally, there are millions of scholarships out there to choose from. I guess I could complain about scholarships for women only, but I have better things to do.


I did not play football or basketball. I had a friend that was told by the coach "sorry son, your just the wrong color". true story

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I got one for you guys...


I read that black people that commited crimes in the past were more likely to go to jail. This is from not having money for representation, stereotyping, etc. Now a days a white guy is more likely to be commited than a black person. This is because people are so scared of how the courts will be perceived that they are more likley to let the black man go free. I'll have to check my sources but it makes sense. With the way people tip toe around race I am not surprised at all. A criminal is a criminal... letting them go because you dont want the system to be seen as racist or you feel sorry is down right stupid.


How do you guys feel about that?


Worked for OJ once.

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I would say attending a majority black school during black history month would be a start. The holiday that is on monday was never a good day. Trying to get on the football team or basketball team at same high school. Us of lighter color had golf and and soccer to play.


Trying to get on the Columbus fire department in the early 1990's when the quota system all but locked out white male non veterans. Numerous scholarships were closed to me because I lacked as much melanin as someone else.


But we all know, no one discriminates against white people. All us whiteys having everything handed to us on a silver platter and don't have to work at anything to get what we want in life.


I want my reprirations now. $100 bills will be fine.;)


Let me add....

Being a white Duke Lacross player


Being a white fire fighter in New Haven Connecticut


Being Nicole Simpson or Ron Goldmans family and having a killer let go because people are afraid to seem racist and fail to convict OJ.


Being a white employer that does not hire someone because they cannot speak english in a professional manner and you get hit with a case from the ohio civil rights commision (Did not happen to me, but has happened in Ohio) Then having to spend thousands of dollars defending your actions.


Being a white cop that arrest a black professor for being a tool and having our president say you were stupid.


Just a couple more off the top of my head.

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I got one for you guys...


I read that black people that commited crimes in the past were more likely to go to jail. This is from not having money for representation, stereotyping, etc. Now a days a white guy is more likely to be commited than a black person. This is because people are so scared of how the courts will be perceived that they are more likley to let the black man go free. I'll have to check my sources but it makes sense. With the way people tip toe around race I am not surprised at all. A criminal is a criminal... letting them go because you dont want the system to be seen as racist or you feel sorry is down right stupid.


How do you guys feel about that?


This is the problem. It's not people BEING racist, it's people trying to avoid being perceived as being racist. There's a reason the world profiles people, statistics!! Yes, it often works whenther or not people want to admit it.


One thing I always find humorous is younger people complaining about being stopped by cops while out running around at 3am. It isn't because your race or anything, it's because you have NO GOOD reason to be out at 3am! If you do have a good reason, provide it, you will have no problems and you should understand the officers are just doing their job.


I never bitch about getting pulled over. If I didn't do anything wrong, I have noting to worry about.

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IA criminal is a criminal... letting them go because you dont want the system to be seen as racist or you feel sorry is down right stupid.






And if you take that step, it should be applied to EVERYTHING. Work, education, Government Assistance, and the list goes on....



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Lastly your PC bullshit is exactly the problem as well being a Mexican-American African-American, Hungarian-American fucking waaaah Anyone of these _______-American maens you carry a dual citizenship anyways.


I agree with this. Calling someone an African-American because they are black is stupid and racist within itself. Assuming that you are black, therefor you must be from Africa is ridiculous. Its also making an assumption that if you are from Africa, you are black.


I cant even count on both hands how many times I've gotten the old "you're from Africa? But you're not black?" speech. It's offensive to me, and its offensive to black people. It doesn't bother me too much though because it just shows how idiotic some people are.


You are what your passport says you are. You dont see other countries doing this. Ever heard of African-British? African-German? African-African? No, and it sounds ridiculous because it is. I guess I'm a German African American...

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I agree with this. Calling someone an African-American because they are black is stupid and racist within itself. Assuming that you are black, therefor you must be from Africa is ridiculous. Its also making an assumption that if you are from Africa, you are black.


I cant even count on both hands how many times I've gotten the old "you're from Africa? But you're not black?" speech. It's offensive to me, and its offensive to black people. It doesn't bother me too much though because it just shows how idiotic some people are.


You are what your passport says you are. You dont see other countries doing this. Ever heard of African-British? African-German? African-African? No, and it sounds ridiculous because it is. I guess I'm a German African American...



This led me to this thought: The Government likes to label people when filling out forms. There is an African-American Checkbox, and a White Checkbox. If you are a White person, who is an immigrant from Africa.... which do you Check?





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This led me to this thought: The Government likes to label people when filling out forms. There is an African-American Checkbox, and a White Checkbox. If you are a White person, who is an immigrant from Africa.... which do you Check?






Well me personally, since I'm not a citizen (atleast not yet), I check white. But if I had citizenship to both, it wouldn't be wrong to check African-American, and then I too will get sweet benefits, or get beat down by the pohlees...just depends.

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What fucking rock do you live under? The numbers like a stated are not mine nor did I verify them, but there is no denying the main point of the post.


As I said, the post is so cluttered with bullshit (we won't go into the "hard to read part"), it's hard to find this "point" you are making. Or, maybe, not so hard to see the point you may be trying to make but the fact that I can't read halfway thru it without the entire post losing credibility for me.


It was biased, unproven and instigating. Like many of the posts in here, it's based on assumptions, loose math, and ignorance. However, I never said that there wasn't any truth to it. Just a terrible post, email, whatever.


"What fucking rock do you live under?"

Really? :rolleyes:


I should ask you the same. What experience do you have with this very same situation you feel so obliged to comment on? Please, regal me with your tales of experience. :rolleyes:


Here's a kicker. Let me tell you all what I'm beginning to see. Some whites whining about what they want or don't get and everyone else does. The irony in this, is that they complain that blacks and other minorities do the same. Hmm. This will never end. Selfishness, guilt, ego, lies and the need to blame others. It's not one races fault. Race isnt' the issue. It's the pricks that come in all different colors that's the problem.

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I got one for you guys...


I read that black people that commited crimes in the past were more likely to go to jail. This is from not having money for representation, stereotyping, etc. Now a days a white guy is more likely to be commited than a black person. This is because people are so scared of how the courts will be perceived that they are more likley to let the black man go free. I'll have to check my sources but it makes sense. With the way people tip toe around race I am not surprised at all. A criminal is a criminal... letting them go because you dont want the system to be seen as racist or you feel sorry is down right stupid.


How do you guys feel about that?


I don't really feel there's much truth to that. In my experience, I've found poor people are more likely to goto jail. The only color it's really about is green, baby. However, I have faced/witnessed a couple racist judges (when you have a lot of power, I guess you stop trying to hide the fact so much) though, I know and would like to assume, they don't represent everyone in the legal system.

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This is the problem. It's not people BEING racist, it's people trying to avoid being perceived as being racist. There's a reason the world profiles people, statistics!! Yes, it often works whenther or not people want to admit it.


One thing I always find humorous is younger people complaining about being stopped by cops while out running around at 3am. It isn't because your race or anything, it's because you have NO GOOD reason to be out at 3am! If you do have a good reason, provide it, you will have no problems and you should understand the officers are just doing their job.


I never bitch about getting pulled over. If I didn't do anything wrong, I have noting to worry about.


When did it stop being fuckin America! I'm out at 3 fuckin am because I can. Because I want to be. Because this is supposed to be a free fuckin country! Because I chose to go out at night, my freedoms are questioned? Because Im driving an old car in a nice neighborhood, because you think I look a certain age, because I'm latino in a predominantly white neighborhood, etc, etc. (btw, all situations I've faced personally. Sadly, the list goes on. :nono:)


(Thought I'd add here that the following isn't directed at anyone in particular.)

I understand being proactive in fighting 'wrongdoers', but do not encroach on my freedoms. You see, that's the trade, man, for living in a country where you are supposed to not only have freedom, but be innocent until proven guilty. This will be a main contributor to the destruction of this country and what it's supposed to stand for. Everyone is so scared of everyone else having 'freedom' and what they may do with it, that they'll change laws, take away our privacy and freedoms, because they don't have to have the courage to face the world or because those in fear are easier to control for their own gains and continue to blame others; blacks, mexicans, whites, republicans, democrats, men, women, gays, catholics, etc, etc, etc.


And again, it comes to this. None of those groups are bad on thier own. It's the pricks of all different colors in each of those groups and many others. It's the extremists, the cowards, the close-minded, those that would twist the most righteous things into something perverse. Ask yourself if you are one of these people. Stop blaming race and start blaming the individual and start by looking at yourself.

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I don't really feel there's much truth to that. In my experience, I've found poor people are more likely to goto jail. The only color it's really about is green, baby. However, I have faced/witnessed a couple racist judges (when you have a lot of power, I guess you stop trying to hide the fact so much) though, I know and would like to assume, they don't represent everyone in the legal system.


If a cop thinks he'll be guilty of profiling dont you think that will weigh in his decision making? I would have to assume the same thing happens in the court system. No one feels sorry for a white guy so he gets 3 months in jail... while someone else may get a warning just because. Granted its impossible to explain all activity in our legal system but I'm sure it happens a lot.

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When did it stop being fuckin America! I'm out at 3 fuckin am because I can. Because I want to be. Because this is supposed to be a free fuckin country! Because I chose to go out at night, my freedoms are questioned? Because Im driving an old car in a nice neighborhood, because you think I look a certain age, because I'm latino in a predominantly white neighborhood, etc, etc. (btw, all situations I've faced personally. Sadly, the list goes on. :nono:)


(Thought I'd add here that the following isn't directed at anyone in particular.)

I understand being proactive in fighting 'wrongdoers', but do not encroach on my freedoms. You see, that's the trade, man, for living in a country where you are supposed to not only have freedom, but be innocent until proven guilty. This will be a main contributor to the destruction of this country and what it's supposed to stand for. Everyone is so scared of everyone else having 'freedom' and what they may do with it, that they'll change laws, take away our privacy and freedoms, because they don't have to have the courage to face the world or because those in fear are easier to control for their own gains and continue to blame others; blacks, mexicans, whites, republicans, democrats, men, women, gays, catholics, etc, etc, etc.


And again, it comes to this. None of those groups are bad on thier own. It's the pricks of all different colors in each of those groups and many others. It's the extremists, the cowards, the close-minded, those that would twist the most righteous things into something perverse. Ask yourself if you are one of these people. Stop blaming race and start blaming the individual and start by looking at yourself.


You don't even look Latino. Stop your crying, and stop stealing car stereos, and people will stop hassling you.

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I like it when these topics come up that nobody could possibly agree on, lol. I don't know about here, but coming from Texas, I find the stuff about a cop being afraid of being accused of profiling hilarious. I know from experience that it is definitely no advantage being a minority in the Texas court system.


Want to see racism in action? Just look at our country's welfare system that was made to "help" certain groups, but really only creates a part of society that is dependent on the government. Also, the CIA invented crack.

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the CIA invented crack.


White people create AIDS and condoms to control the black population. You can also wash off the aids if you take a shower right after having sex with a dirty girl.




That guy is now running a country. Affirmative action FTW

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Want to see racism in action? Just look at our country's welfare system that was made to "help" certain groups, but really only creates a part of society that is dependent on the government. Also, the CIA invented crack.


Not that it makes a difference but Im pretty sure welfare was made to help with victims of the great depression. It was later updated to help certain idividuals and families.. not certain groups. At the same time a good number of those individuls are grouped up in project housing and trailor parks. So in a way you are right.

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White people create AIDS and condoms to control the black population. You can also wash off the aids if you take a shower right after having sex with a dirty girl.




That guy is now running a country. Affirmative action FTW


How can you not like a man named after a fun video game


Zuma ftw!!!!

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Not that it makes a difference but Im pretty sure welfare was made to help with victims of the great depression. It was later updated to help certain idividuals and families.. not certain groups. At the same time a good number of those individuls are grouped up in project housing and trailor parks. So in a way you are right.


That is what I was talking about. People grouped up and put into certain areas but also the fact it seems like the incentive for politicians is to create programs that seem to be good for certain groups, but only really make those groups more dependent on the government. It may not be realistic, but I think that we can't have equality if the systems in place by the government make certain groups dependent. I am all for helping people, I grew up poor and my family needed help, I just hate it when the "help" eventually turns into something that doesn't help people to become independent and free, and instead makes them dependent on a government.


I know welfare wasn't created to be a racist system, I studied government in college, I am just saying that in a way it has created a section of society that is "second class". Nobody says that it exists, and we wouldn't want it to because we don't want to be like that but, for the majority, the system creates dependence, not opportunities for exiting it.

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When did it stop being fuckin America! I'm out at 3 fuckin am because I can. Because I want to be. Because this is supposed to be a free fuckin country! Because I chose to go out at night, my freedoms are questioned? Because Im driving an old car in a nice neighborhood, because you think I look a certain age, because I'm latino in a predominantly white neighborhood, etc, etc. (btw, all situations I've faced personally. Sadly, the list goes on. :nono:)


(Thought I'd add here that the following isn't directed at anyone in particular.)

I understand being proactive in fighting 'wrongdoers', but do not encroach on my freedoms. You see, that's the trade, man, for living in a country where you are supposed to not only have freedom, but be innocent until proven guilty. This will be a main contributor to the destruction of this country and what it's supposed to stand for. Everyone is so scared of everyone else having 'freedom' and what they may do with it, that they'll change laws, take away our privacy and freedoms, because they don't have to have the courage to face the world or because those in fear are easier to control for their own gains and continue to blame others; blacks, mexicans, whites, republicans, democrats, men, women, gays, catholics, etc, etc, etc.


And again, it comes to this. None of those groups are bad on thier own. It's the pricks of all different colors in each of those groups and many others. It's the extremists, the cowards, the close-minded, those that would twist the most righteous things into something perverse. Ask yourself if you are one of these people. Stop blaming race and start blaming the individual and start by looking at yourself.

you can't have absolute freedom and absolute safety

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That is what I was talking about. People grouped up and put into certain areas but also the fact it seems like the incentive for politicians is to create programs that seem to be good for certain groups, but only really make those groups more dependent on the government. It may not be realistic, but I think that we can't have equality if the systems in place by the government make certain groups dependent. I am all for helping people, I grew up poor and my family needed help, I just hate it when the "help" eventually turns into something that doesn't help people to become independent and free, and instead makes them dependent on a government.


I know welfare wasn't created to be a racist system, I studied government in college, I am just saying that in a way it has created a section of society that is "second class". Nobody says that it exists, and we wouldn't want it to because we don't want to be like that but, for the majority, the system creates dependence, not opportunities for exiting it.


Welfare enables a lot of lazy people. A mother of 3 that is working and went through a divorce should get the money. Some lazy baby making loser that works 15 hours a week just to get a check (while having more babies) needs her damn tubes tied and a swift kick in the ass. I agree the system needs a hell of a lot of work.

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You don't even look Latino. Stop your crying, and stop stealing car stereos, and people will stop hassling you.


That's racist. :D



you can't have absolute freedom and absolute safety


I'll choose freedom.

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