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Trap speed vs. ET


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So someone please explain this to me. I trapped a 121 mph and only got an ET of 12.9 with only 10 PSI of boost and half throttle first gear and part of second. Now that I plan on having more traction, will my trap speeds drop?






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Well I went from having a 60' of 2.5 and ET of 13.2 to a 60' of 1.994 and ET of 12.4.


So I shaved a half second off my 60' and gained almost a second in ET


Hopefully with the 01E transmssion (5 speed not a 6 speed like your S4) I will be able to get some good 60ft times. I will be able to run more boost as I usually would run 21 PSI sometimes on the street (3rd gear burnouts). With the new setup I will have a clutch and transmission that can handle the full potential of the motor setup.

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With that kind of trap speed, you and I should both be able to break into the 11s with a proper launch.


What was your 60?


I was pulling 2.2s as my best and that was with a 3000rpm launch and no boost for first gear and part of second. If you listen to the video, you can tell when I get on it and it still spins the wheels until I get it into third.

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Gearing, tire, driver mod, everything accounts. Just go fast as you can.


There is only 1 winner in a drag race.

Gearing seemed perfect as I was in third gear at the end of the track. Everything else including driver was not the best. How is your beast, long time no see.

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if everything is the same then your mph should drop if your 60ft is better. your mph is a indication of power. and your et is basicly your 60 ft. if you want a fast drag car you need to do whatever possible. or you can build a fast car and not worry about 60 ft. when my s10 had a blower on it i ran a 12.00 at 130. spinning all the way and pedeling it a bunch. my fault there i was on sportsman street tires.
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This doesn't really fall into the usual category of hooking harder and the trap speed going down. The guy couldn't go full throttle until somewhere in 2nd and that will most likely bring the trap speed down a little. The whole spinning equals higher trap speed thing makes me laugh. Here's an example, friend of mine ran on radials and went 12.20's @117 then put on some stickies and went 11.40's@121. If spinning picks up trap speed, then why was it opposite here? That's right, he actually got to use the first two gears and wasn't wasting them by spinning. He made multiple passes on radials and the results were always 2-4mph slower than when he would run good tires. The other side of the coin that "kind of" helps the other side of arguement is that when I would spin a little coming out I would get a better trap speed. This was because I was keeping the rpm's up and not bogging.

If someone can actually provide a response that involves actual data and a solid reasoning as to why spinning improves trap speed, then I'm all ears. If spinning improves trap speed then that would lead someone to believe that spinning down most of the track would provide a higher trap speed? Please enlighten me.

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DKilbourne, that is the exact myth I am trying to bust here. A lot of people assume that with better 60' times, the trap speed should drop, but I cannot seem to understand how that works. If I stay with the turbocharger that was used on that track, then bogging down isn't going to be an issue as in the first three gears the rpms fell back t the sweet spot.
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First time I've ever heard of that. Certainly wasn't the case for me. To me it makes sense that you start moving faster, so you are building speed faster which should result in a higher trap speed. If your tires are spinning, it makes sense that your speedometer will read a higher trap speed, but you wont actually be moving that fast.
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First time I've ever heard of that. Certainly wasn't the case for me. To me it makes sense that you start moving faster, so you are building speed faster which should result in a higher trap speed. If your tires are spinning, it makes sense that your speedometer will read a higher trap speed, but you wont actually be moving that fast.


The trap isn't measured by tire speed, so if someone can actually explain the myth to me I'd be impressed. Now I'm not talking about a turn or two off of the line to keep the car from bogging, but flat out tire spin through atleast a gear leading to a higher trap speed.

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DKilbourne, that is the exact myth I am trying to bust here. A lot of people assume that with better 60' times, the trap speed should drop, but I cannot seem to understand how that works. If I stay with the turbocharger that was used on that track, then bogging down isn't going to be an issue as in the first three gears the rpms fell back t the sweet spot.


When I say bogging, I'm talking about at the starting line not between gears. I'm interested to see the responses here. I have a feeling that I already know what will be said, but maybe I'm wrong. Wouldn't be the 1st time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Spin = trap means that the little spin at the line , so u don't bog is good. Don't read to much into it. You answered your own question. But if you're talking about spinning all the way down the track then why would someone say that it goes faster w/o traction, well besides a supra owner....



And I went 11.10 with a 1.56 short time @ 126 mph and I picked up a mph with a little spin off the line

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