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Dark colored Integra that cut me off and brake checked me

El Karacho1647545492

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Hey buddy. Cute move you pulled there, almost hitting me when you merged into my lane 3 lanes over. Then when I flashed my hi beams you brake checked me, then kicked it up to 90 so I couldnt get your license plate.


Sorry buddy, I got it. And I'm going to periodically call 1-800-GRAB-DUI and alert them to an erratic driver. I figure I'll get lucky once.


Hugs & Kisses,

El Borracho

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Guest tbutera2112

ive called them before too lol


not sure if its everytime, but sometimes they will actually send an officer to the house of the person the car is registered to, just to give out a verbal warning and let them know they were called on...happened to my dad once

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just curious, did this look like some one took some dark primer to it?


coulda been. It was late so I couldn't see the actual color but it could've been a really dark primer. it was a 2dr with some black/chrome lip wheels I think and a reasonable exhaust...not a huge fart can but it was louder than stock when he kicked it into gear after cutting me off a 2nd time when I tried to pass him after the first time he cut me off.


why do you know him? :ninja:

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Dont you kinda need to know where/which direction the car was headed when reporting a dui?


probably. i wouldnt want to take the risk of reporting it then they follow up and the car was in florida or some shit for vacation that week, and they can prove it

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Dont you kinda need to know where/which direction the car was headed when reporting a dui?


i'd just make up a location/direction so the next time the 5-0 is behind him running plates, they see that 1800GRABDUI has been called like 13 times on him.



Even if thats not how it works, its better than being a jackass and getting my road rage on.

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i'd just make up a location/direction so the next time the 5-0 is behind him running plates, they see that 1800GRABDUI has been called like 13 times on him.



Even if thats not how it works, its better than being a jackass and getting my road rage on.


and what happens when they find out you're the one that has called 13 times? if it was that much of a concern for you, it would have been best to follow him until the cops showed up...that way you can tell them what roads your on, where you're turning, etc...and yes, ive done this before, with someone who im about 95% sure they were drunk. or a woman. who knows.

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lol. i was watching that "manswers" show the other night, and it said for every million miles driven, men are in 5.1 accidents and women are in 5.7. go men.


i dont watch manswers b/c i don't like facts being yelled at me for 30 minutes.



still, interesting...

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coulda been. It was late so I couldn't see the actual color but it could've been a really dark primer. it was a 2dr with some black/chrome lip wheels I think and a reasonable exhaust...not a huge fart can but it was louder than stock when he kicked it into gear after cutting me off a 2nd time when I tried to pass him after the first time he cut me off.


why do you know him? :ninja:


possibly. It sounds about right. if it is, then yes, the guy is a douche bag and his girl friend is no better. her friend lives in my neiborhood and she drives that car from time to time and flys through my little neiborhood. Although im pretty sure she is in jail now for leaving her kid in the car on a 90 degree day while she went into a store. People blocked the car in and called the cops on her ass lol

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possibly. It sounds about right. if it is, then yes, the guy is a douche bag and his girl friend is no better. her friend lives in my neiborhood and she drives that car from time to time and flys through my little neiborhood. Although im pretty sure she is in jail now for leaving her kid in the car on a 90 degree day while she went into a store. People blocked the car in and called the cops on her ass lol


she was definitely in the passenger seat when he cut me off. or at least some girl was.


wish i knew who this kid was. i'd give him a "stern talking-to"

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