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healthy people an gym people...


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Ok I need some quick guidance here I am needing to get back into shape. my whole life I was a competitive runner was ranked 6th in san Diego county out of 320 runners for high hurdles as a freshman… I did cross country for years. worked out daily to stay in shape for these sports an ran before and after school daily because I enjoy it… an then I moved to Ohio and I have had no will or want to stay in shape it's been years since I've gone out an worked out… an its gotten a little out of hand. I eat so ungodly unhealthy an I'm so out of shape that I'm out of breath after walking up a flight of stairs lol


so I need some quick guidance first off I need a good gyp that has to be open really late or would prefer open 24 hours due to I don’t get off work till 9pm. I work in Polaris but live in Reynoldsburg so I guess anything in between would be good. cheaper the better but would be willing to pay for a later place that’s convient.


also I am going to start eating a lot healthier any recommendation on things to stay away from (obviously fast food) an maybe something's that I should eat more of?


also I drink a lot of soda I'm talking a lot… an I'm sure this is a big part of why I'm outta shape. I'm going to start trying to cut back (cant cut cold turkey I shake haha) AN ILL BE Drinking diet to try to cut back down to near nothing.


also any certain exercises I should steer towards as I want to get rid of my gut… done up my abs upper body an arms. thank you al for your time

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No soda's (atleast non diet ones because it isnt the carbonation that is bad it is the ungodly amount of sugar) Cut out fast foods. Me an Shanton are doing a high carb diet for a month than, cutting down to bar none next month in gear for SB, Me and him will post a thread in a month with pictures and results from week to week.


My advice is Planet Fitness. It's $10 a month and thye don't make you sign some long ass contract.




It's not hard to get in the gym just look in the mirror everyday and think about how fucked up you look and go. (That's what I do)

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I had the same thing happen to me. I went to states every year in the mile, joined military ran some more, got out stopped running. However I only put on 12 pounds before I got my ass back to the gym.


I'll tell you diet has so much to do with how well your doing in your workouts. I thought I could just workout and eat like I was still 18 but that wall everyone talks about when you turn 25 happened to me and I cant eat everything I used too. So be aware of what your eating and choose the healthier option. Splurge one meal a week, max if you really need something.


Your on the right path now so just start working out again. Change your workout routines every 6-8 weeks as not to plateau your results, and keep from getting bored.


High reps-low weight doesnt burn much fat at all so just keep working with modest weight if you go that route. Mix in at least 20 minutes cardio 3 days a week.


Personally I dont take supplements you can if you want I just dont, no personal reason. Also make sure to get rest in between your workout days, just make sure not to take too many in between your workout days.


Interval training burns the most fat, and is quickest to getting back in shape. Stretch to avoid injury, once you pull a muscle your out of the gym and losing progress.


Bottom line just start doing something, make it an effort to do something 3 days a week and it will become routine. eventually you'll feel great getting out of the gym especially after you get to the level as some of the heavier lifters, which takes awhile but you'll get there.


Personally I made it a point to get to the gym, and now my best days are when I do go to the gym, less stress, healthier, look better, just all around happier. Just keep at it and you'll get there.

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No soda's (atleast non diet ones because it isnt the carbonation that is bad it is the ungodly amount of sugar) Cut out fast foods. Me an Shanton are doing a high carb diet for a month than, cutting down to bar none next month in gear for SB, Me and him will post a thread in a month with pictures and results from week to week.


My advice is Planet Fitness. It's $10 a month and thye don't make you sign some long ass contract.




It's not hard to get in the gym just look in the mirror everyday and think about how fucked up you look and go. (That's what I do)

WHERE is this place at? open late at all?

I had the same thing happen to me. I went to states every year in the mile, joined military ran some more, got out stopped running. However I only put on 12 pounds before I got my ass back to the gym.


I'll tell you diet has so much to do with how well your doing in your workouts. I thought I could just workout and eat like I was still 18 but that wall everyone talks about when you turn 25 happened to me and I cant eat everything I used too. So be aware of what your eating and choose the healthier option. Splurge one meal a week, max if you really need something.


Your on the right path now so just start working out again. Change your workout routines every 6-8 weeks as not to plateau your results, and keep from getting bored.


High reps-low weight doesnt burn much fat at all so just keep working with modest weight if you go that route. Mix in at least 20 minutes cardio 3 days a week.


Personally I dont take supplements you can if you want I just dont, no personal reason. Also make sure to get rest in between your workout days, just make sure not to take too many in between your workout days.


Interval training burns the most fat, and is quickest to getting back in shape. Stretch to avoid injury, once you pull a muscle your out of the gym and losing progress.


Bottom line just start doing something, make it an effort to do something 3 days a week and it will become routine. eventually you'll feel great getting out of the gym especially after you get to the level as some of the heavier lifters, which takes awhile but you'll get there.


Personally I made it a point to get to the gym, and now my best days are when I do go to the gym, less stress, healthier, look better, just all around happier. Just keep at it and you'll get there.

thanks for the good info but yea i wont be taking supplements not a big fan on that. but really appreciate your response.


i drink vodka so its not that bad for you like beer with be with the calories ect haha



i woudl jsu do this at home but i know im nto motovated enough to jsut do it on my own... i know that i wokr work ym ass off if i knew i had to be paying to use the gym. hmm

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I'll see if I can't get you access to my gyms in my condo development somehow. It's not to far from you if you live in Reynoldsburg.


EDIT: And my buddy lives in Reynoldsburg and he has a decent amount of weights and we just started working out a few days ago, normally late at night.


let me know if you can't find a gym that suits your needs for the time being.

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No soda's (atleast non diet ones because it isnt the carbonation that is bad it is the ungodly amount of sugar) Cut out fast foods. Me an Shanton are doing a high carb diet for a month than, cutting down to bar none next month in gear for SB, Me and him will post a thread in a month with pictures and results from week to week.


My advice is Planet Fitness. It's $10 a month and thye don't make you sign some long ass contract.




It's not hard to get in the gym just look in the mirror everyday and think about how fucked up you look and go. (That's what I do)


Or I tell you you are fat an asshole and we jazz about being jersey shore one offs


I am "The Operation"


Dover is "DJ Roid Rage"



Step one get Jersey Shore name here http://www.unlikelywords.com/2009/12/08/jersey-shore-nickname-generator/


Step two Dont be a pussy and change for yourself, Personally I can take in account for myself I only look the way I do cause of myself. I did this I can fix this attitude needs to be in place 24/7 or nothing is going to change.


Step 3 incorporate working out and living healthy into everything and everyday activities. If you have a job and start working out educate yourself on what you need to eat and how much, Knowledge is power read some books at the library about nutrition and working out. After BMX Sam gave me a book on ways to lift and get big and I stil am benifitting from it durring the process me and dover are going through.


Step 4 Music is you friend at the gym, use it to motivate yourself and keep you going.


Step 5 If nothing works I told you they have Pilates class's at Lifestyle Gyms in the area.





But in all honesty knowledge is power and reading will help you weed out the facts from fiction.



I personally love doing ANEBOLIC work outs between lifting sessions.


I also goto Planet Fitness I get their really late at night or really early in the AM so the crowd is never really that bad. Should be even less people when the New year resolutionists leave the place cause they cant hack it.

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I'll see if I can't get you access to my gyms in my condo development somehow. It's not to far from you if you live in Reynoldsburg.


EDIT: And my buddy lives in Reynoldsburg and he has a decent amount of weights and we just started working out a few days ago, normally late at night.


let me know if you can't find a gym that suits your needs for the time being.



Move back to san diego

:mad: blow me

Or I tell you you are fat an asshole and we jazz about being jersey shore one offs


I am "The Operation"


Dover is "DJ Roid Rage"



Step one get Jersey Shore name here http://www.unlikelywords.com/2009/12/08/jersey-shore-nickname-generator/


Step two Dont be a pussy and change for yourself, Personally I can take in account for myself I only look the way I do cause of myself. I did this I can fix this attitude needs to be in place 24/7 or nothing is going to change.


Step 3 incorporate working out and living healthy into everything and everyday activities. If you have a job and start working out educate yourself on what you need to eat and how much, Knowledge is power read some books at the library about nutrition and working out. After BMX Sam gave me a book on ways to lift and get big and I stil am benifitting from it durring the process me and dover are going through.


Step 4 Music is you friend at the gym, use it to motivate yourself and keep you going.


Step 5 If nothing works I told you they have Pilates class's at Lifestyle Gyms in the area.





But in all honesty knowledge is power and reading will help you weed out the facts from fiction.



I personally love doing ANEBOLIC work outs between lifting sessions.


I also goto Planet Fitness I get their really late at night or really early in the AM so the crowd is never really that bad. Should be even less people when the New year resolutionists leave the place cause they cant hack it.


good points ive been on sites all day long reading crap over an over my problem is its white noise i just need to go an do it an see what works best an get tips on wha tim doing wrong or what i shoudl keep doing.


im calling planet fitness to get someinfo from them today an if all works out ill be in there next week.


my # one thing to do is start eating healthy man i never understand how bad i eat untill this last month.


i miss the wa i felt when working out all the time always so upbeat an positive... nwo im all lame an emo haaha


ill be hitting u up for questions ove the next few weeks if thats cool

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I agree with the whole starting off slow thing. Diet is a big part of getting healthy. I'd say cut way back on the soda and try and get your eating habits under control first. No real surprises in the food dept, chicken, lean beef, fish, fruits, veggies etc. Most people know what’s good for them you just have to commit to eating the good stuff and not the fast food or vending machine carp.


For me simple is better; the easier it is to buy, make and eat the more likely I am to eat it. I’ll grill up a few chicken breasts Sunday night and freeze them then take em to work with me. Turkey sandwiches are good PB & J. What ever you like and can make simple for you the better off you’ll be. You can spend all sorts of money on “All natural foods” and special snack packs etc, but if it doesn’t work for you then it doesn’t work. Start simple, start small and you’ll have more success. You can get into the details of a more balanced diet later, but to start a turkey or chicken sandwhich for lunch is better then Chipotle.


With that in mind, wake up every morning or afternoon and do 3 sets of push up’s sit ups and leg lifts. As many as you can without killing yourself. All you’re trying to do at this point is build healthy habits again. Once you’re bustin’ out 60-80 of those a day, then look at a gym membership or pick a hobby that you enjoy doing that involves a work out, indoor soccer, hockey, running, boxing, whatever. If you enjoy it then you’ll be getting in shape without working. If you get a gym membership having a committed and good workout partner is a BIG help.


But above all start small. You’re not going to returns to your 17-18 year old self in a few weeks. If you want to get there again it’s goanna take time so give yourself a chance and don’t over do it.

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I live in Blacklick and work at Easton. I'm a member at Urban Active on the corner of 161 and Hamilton rd. I pay 29.99 a month and there is no contract. I don't know if this package is still available but it is a month to month package and there is no cancellation fee or anything. Its a pretty good deal.



Also here is the diet I am on. I have been on this one for about 3 weeks now and I really like it so far.


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Step 1. Do not join Urban Active. Its a pain in the nuts to get on anything there between 5:00pm and 8:30 after work. Ive never seen so many fatasses camping on all the equipment, plus they only have one squat rack (ghey), and way to much cardio shit. Plus their PT people try pushing their services on you.


Step 2. You were telling me how many energy drinks you were drinking. Quit that shit cold turkey. That or drink Monster Blue (no carb) until you can quit for good.


Step 3. Pack lunch


Step 4. Go running with me. I had no idear you ran. I was an all conf runner too in XC and track in both HS and College, at both middle and long distances. Hill workouts at Blacklick Woods are in the works...

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Only if you take me with you




No homo



this guy here gives good workout advice

knows his stuff on how to get big.


I agree with the whole starting off slow thing. Diet is a big part of getting healthy. I'd say cut way back on the soda and try and get your eating habits under control first. No real surprises in the food dept, chicken, lean beef, fish, fruits, veggies etc. Most people know what’s good for them you just have to commit to eating the good stuff and not the fast food or vending machine carp.


For me simple is better; the easier it is to buy, make and eat the more likely I am to eat it. I’ll grill up a few chicken breasts Sunday night and freeze them then take em to work with me. Turkey sandwiches are good PB & J. What ever you like and can make simple for you the better off you’ll be. You can spend all sorts of money on “All natural foods” and special snack packs etc, but if it doesn’t work for you then it doesn’t work. Start simple, start small and you’ll have more success. You can get into the details of a more balanced diet later, but to start a turkey or chicken sandwhich for lunch is better then Chipotle.


With that in mind, wake up every morning or afternoon and do 3 sets of push up’s sit ups and leg lifts. As many as you can without killing yourself. All you’re trying to do at this point is build healthy habits again. Once you’re bustin’ out 60-80 of those a day, then look at a gym membership or pick a hobby that you enjoy doing that involves a work out, indoor soccer, hockey, running, boxing, whatever. If you enjoy it then you’ll be getting in shape without working. If you get a gym membership having a committed and good workout partner is a BIG help.


But above all start small. You’re not going to returns to your 17-18 year old self in a few weeks. If you want to get there again it’s goanna take time so give yourself a chance and don’t over do it.

my problem is im nto displined enough to do this on my own at home.. if i know im paying for it im going to go an get my monesy worth



on that note i just bought a pass for planet fitness my friens been lookign for a gym for soem time an he got one there as well so ill always have a work out partner... ill be there tonight to check it out an start out small thanks guy


now ive jsut gotta figure out a way to eat healthy

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its easier if you have someone to work out with to keep you accountable as well. A little competition goes a long way.


Good luck to you!

thanks its a much needed thing in my life an yea good friend works out daily an will be going there with me

Or I tell you you are fat an asshole and we jazz about being jersey shore one offs


I am "The Operation"


Dover is "DJ Roid Rage"




mine is P-Muscle hahah

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my problem is im nto displined enough to do this on my own at home.. if i know im paying for it im going to go an get my monesy worth



on that note i just bought a pass for planet fitness my friens been lookign for a gym for soem time an he got one there as well so ill always have a work out partner... ill be there tonight to check it out an start out small thanks guy


now ive jsut gotta figure out a way to eat healthy


As long as you know what works for you that's all that matters. But Like I said, start small.


Oh' and if you start to feel tuff and want to try your hand at a boxing work out, let me know. It will kick your ass and you won't even have to get in the ring :D


And good luck BTW, as cheesy as it sounds exercise really does make you feel better.

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I work out 4 days a week at Urban Active. I get off work at 6 and go straight there. It is pretty busy at that time but I am out of there in an hour every time. Plus they are building one in Pickerington also so that will be much closer. I personally have never had anyone try to sell me anything in there though.
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20 weeks of 750 migs of test jump started with sum A bombs and some winny towards the end to finish things off right./ thread!

in english please

As long as you know what works for you that's all that matters. But Like I said, start small.


Oh' and if you start to feel tuff and want to try your hand at a boxing work out, let me know. It will kick your ass and you won't even have to get in the ring :D


And good luck BTW, as cheesy as it sounds exercise really does make you feel better.


yea i miss working out. i did my whoel life untill i moved to this shit hole they call ohio :bangbang: took a half day from work an heading to the gym in an hour or so.


chris btw i have unlimited guest visits too so mabey one time i can get some pointers from u... an then cheap shot you an knock your ass out hahaha

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20 weeks of 750 migs of test jump started with sum A bombs and some winny towards the end to finish things off right./ thread!


How about someone actually works out without taking all kinds of shit and gets there the natural way? I guess when you are a lazy fuck you take all the necessary shortcuts. I do understand that it still takes work and dedication while on something, but I'll pass. I'm happier knowing that I did what I did without the help of the pharmacy.

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